I poop at least five times a day and the poop is rather soft. And occasionally, whitish mucus and a little blood will come out as well. I have not experienced any stomach pain except my anus is sore from pooping so much. These irregular bowel movements began right after...
IF YOUR REGULAR pooping schedule suddenly goes on overdrive and you start pooping far more times in a day than usual, you might wonder where all of this is coming from, and is there something wrong? Here’s what to know. There’s a wide variety of reasons as to why one might be ...
4. Stringy poop Green poop with shiny or sparkling strings means there’s mucus in it. Sometimes this occurs because the baby is teething and drooling too much, so she can’t digest all the produced saliva. However, too much mucus for a longer period of time means there’s an infection...
I was in complete remission in 2009. The last colonoscopy showed no uc. That was the last time I had a visit with the gastro guy. My uc has been flaring since last December 2013 and has reached a point where I am now in the can’t leave the house without being near a bathroom in...
before my body then decides that one mucus plug really isn’t enough — EVERYTHING NEEDS MUCUS, NOW. If I don’t take any meds, it’s torture; I once did a ragweed study at a hospital to make some extra cash, and when I realized I’d been dealt the placebo, I had to drop out...