CHRIS I am. We are. TRACY * I read a lot. CHRIS Do you? TRACY * Yeah. 89. CHRIS (CONT'D) CHRIS That’s good. I heard you play your song last night. TRACY * (embarrassed) I’m terrible. Rainey amused by all of this. CHRIS You are not terrible. TRACY * I’m not? CHRIS ...
Joni Mitchell《Both Sides Now》 2024年格莱美颁奖典礼上八十岁的Joni Mitchell唱了自己二十一岁时写的Both Sides Now(aka世界上最好的歌之一),她在真实经历了六十年的起伏变故后用苍老的声音再次唱出”I really don’t know life at all”的时候太震撼了。这是真正的民谣之声! 这个版本是1970年演唱会版,一...
2.“所有的能量都是借来的,早晚有一天要还回去。”(All energy is only borrowed, and one day you have to give it back.) 此台词借由潘多拉星球上睿智的纳美人长者或是灵魂树传达出一种古朴而深邃的生态哲学观。影片中人类妄图疯狂开采星球资源、破坏生态平衡行径对照,凸显纳美人敬畏自然、顺应循环的智慧,也批...
That doesn't mean I am. And what kind of selfish jerk wouldn't take advantage of that fact? 是他们对我搞特殊!并不代表我真的特殊,哪个自私自利的混蛋会不利用这件事借题发挥一下呢? 15. Do you ever notice how all the self-sacrificing women in history, Joan of Arc, Mother Theresa--can'...
on all sides本意是是“在各个方向”,这里意思为“全面”,这也是一个固定的短语,不能去掉on.明白了吗?朋友?朋友,我觉得你最后给出的句子“She treats as all as her own children”是不对的,正确的表达应该是“She treats them as well as her own children”,你给出的句子中,treat这个动词少了宾语,而...
But then I left that game when I quit playing all MMOs. I did, however, just re-install it and made sure all the characters I remember where still there. Reply Daimbert says: Tuesday Oct 24, 2023 at 9:37 am A couple of years ago, I was already playing The Old Republic and ...
I am working on my Mode Christmas SAL embroidery blocks – hoping to get them done in the next couple of weeks. They too have been around way too long. I also need to visit Celebrating Mary Brown, a project I started back inSeptember 2019. WOW I am in shock – cannot believe it has...
MARWAN Koukash is ready to unleash his British Bulldogs on theAussies.The Salford Red Devils...Barker, Neil
And the moment of hesitation as to whether I am going to be fooled just before I chalk that squiggle, and then the other moment of hesitation just after, as to whether I have been, are perhaps the two most thrilling instants in life. Yes, they are, to me. ...
As mentioned from my previous blog posts, I am fond of playing free online games. These games serve as an icebreaker for me and helps me at least unwind from a tiring, long day of work. As I look for new online games to explore, another site, got me hooked again to play. Since th...