《I'm Not Racist》— Joyner Lucas 这首歌当时红极一时,现在特殊时期拿出来品品再好不过。肤色的确实种族歧视的重要原因,但却不是唯一一个,美国的种族矛盾很大程度上来源于社会阶级矛盾,黑人们水生火热的生活已经成为美国资本主义的牺牲品,不合理的社会资源才导致了阶级分化,而一般看来,只是肤色才让他们受到了不...
I'm not racist I'm just prepared for this type of war I heard Eminem's rap at the awards, who's he fightin' for? Y'all can take that mother***er too He ain't white no more It's like you wanna be so famous You'll do anything for attention and a little payment I can't ...
Joyner Lucas《I'm Not Racist》MV在线看!Joyner Lucas 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!Joyner Lucas - 《I'm Not Racist》发人深省的一首嘻哈歌曲,人们需要的不是对抗,而是真正的互相理解 。
Yo what the I'm not racist It's like we living in the same buildin' but split into two floors I'm not racist But there's two sides to every story I wish that I knew yours I wish that I knew yours I'm not racist I swear With all disrespect I don't really like you white mot...
Lucas has said that the song's lyrics represent the uncomfortable race talk that ... (展开全部) 曲目· ··· I'm Not Racist 喜欢听"I'm Not Racist"的人也喜欢的唱片 ··· I Don't Die (Explicit) 7.9 508-507-2209 8.4 False Prophets 7.2 Stranger Things 8.8 Nowhere Fast...
I'm Not Racist(伴奏版) Joyner Lucas I'm Not Racist Joyner Lucas Joyner Lucas《I'm Not Racist》Live 2018 板田和也 I'm Not A Racist Plies [Eon中字]我不是种族主义者I'm not racist MV 思念 路过人间(《我们与恶的距离》电视剧插曲) 郁可唯 少年 梦然 超热单曲《少年》MV上线! 万疆 李玉刚 ...
Joyner Lucas - I'm Not Racist (Explicit)
一首三观非常正的歌《I'm Not Racist》这才是rapper 这才是黑怕http://t.cn/RHrhvjx(上#秒拍#看我的最新短视频,下载秒拍->http://t.cn/Rjc3iXC)
既然是乐评,咱们先聊聊歌曲本身:首先,这首歌没有chorus,也没有副歌,如果非要说有的话,可能就是两方反复强调的那句“I’m not racist.(我不搞种族歧视)”吧。为了突出主歌的内容而舍弃hook,这在流量至上的年代绝对不算明智之举。放眼近年来说唱圈《Time》、《星球坠落》这些火出圈的新歌,他们的爆红有一大半...