once they eat a cooked chicken bone. My pet ultimately paid the price, he died. It was the worst thing to witness my pet dying and nothing I did or could do would save him or bring him back. Its only been a few days since his passing, but I think about him everyday and I miss...
It was then I began to realize that everyday, hard working people could be the big, bad Republicans. Democrats were not always right and Republicans were not always wrong. Everyone had a different story, different perspective, different upbringing upon which they formed their opinions. Some of ...
I poop at least five times a day and the poop is rather soft. And occasionally, whitish mucus and a little blood will come out as well. I have not experienced any stomach pain except my anus is sore from pooping so much. These irregular bowel movements began right after...
My doctor has since put me on semi-bedrest, so I’m only going to the office about 1-2 times a week. Need to take it easy and work from home until she comes out. This has been great because I’ve been able to avoid the everyday stresses of work, BUT it is a bit hard to ...
ft., 2/3 is cedar chip, every 2 hours during the day. I hardly ever saw him peeing & pooping but when I did he got lots of hig pitched "good boy's". He was very happy with those praises and playfully responded to them. He is what I would call a shy pee'er. Assuming I was...
Going through the heart again … The Girls Ripening … The Girls Old Lonelies Postcards Finding Whitman …. Postcards Foregrounding things …. Letters for Maggie Free Refills …. Fathers and Sons Sunday morning mix tape …. Postcards Everyday Special … ...
am blues. my first 4 days at work were wonderful. as expected, first names didn’t stick and the place isn’t perfect, but i walked home everyday with a genuine feeling that i belonged and the terrible horrible no good very bad heartache of leaving and accepting 10,000 changes into ...
every night for the past 3 years until about 2 weeks ago. The first day after NOT wearing them I had a marked improvement in symptoms, which continue to improve. I am at the point where I clearly still have some proctitis issues, but it may also soon be clear that they are not ...
Does pooping more mean faster metabolism? Does Going Often Mean I Have a Faster Metabolism? The answer isyes, no and maybe. Digestion and metabolism are not as closely correlated as many people think. Someone can have a fast metabolism and not go every day. ...
I'll start probably noticing some changes in my breath. If you don't suffer from constipation or don't have any gluten sensitivity, I don't think pasta will cause you any harm. I eat black beans quite often (not everyday), lots of vegetables (frozen ones), eggs, sweet potato, rice...