Yet every time I go to write something about it, I struggle. You’d think that 24 hours of pooping chartreuse buttjuice and then paying a highly educated stranger thousands of dollars to fish a camera up my bunghole would make for a good story, but alas. Really ain’t too much to say...
It was then I began to realize that everyday, hard working people could be the big, bad Republicans. Democrats were not always right and Republicans were not always wrong. Everyone had a different story, different perspective, different upbringing upon which they formed their opinions. Some of ...
I have to test 4 times a day. Fasting in the morning. Then after every meal. This means I have to eat 3 times a day now. I usually only eat twice a day and snack in between. I skip breakfast because I only get hungry around noon. Anyway, it’s not been too bad. My dad is...
22. Ferrets proceed to protest being hidden behind a sheet in their condo by pooping copiously and odiferously, nearly gassing all of us to death. Unsurprisingly, the interlopers are suddenly eager to be on their way.23. I realize I am suddenly starving. My lunch has now been congealing ...
We aren’t friends and he doesn’t know I exist but I AM going to an event which is actually not his party but a fundraiser to support art and artists from every corner of the earth. I may need a sedative to get through the day. It’s in a few weeks in June at the magical ...
Does pooping more mean faster metabolism? Does Going Often Mean I Have a Faster Metabolism? The answer isyes, no and maybe. Digestion and metabolism are not as closely correlated as many people think. Someone can have a fast metabolism and not go every day. ...
every night for the past 3 years until about 2 weeks ago. The first day after NOT wearing them I had a marked improvement in symptoms, which continue to improve. I am at the point where I clearly still have some proctitis issues, but it may also soon be clear that they are not ...
am blues. my first 4 days at work were wonderful. as expected, first names didn’t stick and the place isn’t perfect, but i walked home everyday with a genuine feeling that i belonged and the terrible horrible no good very bad heartache of leaving and accepting 10,000 changes into ...
This has been great because I’ve been able to avoid the everyday stresses of work, BUT it is a bit hard to try to get work done when you can’t just turn and talk to people in person – lots of emails/texts/online chatting happening. Very fortunate to have a team that has ...
I poop at least five times a day and the poop is rather soft. And occasionally, whitish mucus and a little blood will come out as well. I have not experienced any stomach pain except my anus is sore from pooping so much. These irregular bowel movements began right after I finished takin...