setting up aLinktree, etc. The nice thing, is that I do have myPartylitebackground to draw from (I was a consultant for about 10 years). That makes some aspects of this new business easier than if I was brand new to the Direct Sales industry. I am working on booking parties, and ...
Castle Greyskull,CM Punk,CM Punk is Not Impressed,Comic-Con,Cylon,Doctor Who,Dolph Ziggler,Eleventh Doctor,Fifth Doctor,Fringe,Ghostbusters,He-Man,Jasika Nicole,Joel McHaleMatt Smith,Mattel,Nathan Fillion,PennywiseRandy "Macho Man" SavageSan Diego Comic-Con,SDCC,Sheamus,SkeletorTeenage Mutant Ninja ...
- permadeath is worth mentioning but ok, I understand a 100 hours game such as Witcher 3 would need to find ways around that - the pc could become cocky and then find himself surrounded by randomly spawned enemies which happen to be not particularly susceptible by that equipment And more and...
(damn straight), it was thoughtful and engaging while still managing to be timefully 80s.The premise of the movie:Earth is gradually being taken over by skeletor-looking aliens who mask themselves as wealthy and powerful humans.You can only tell the alien from the human by looking at them ...
Just throw in the chest belt 'n staff and stick him in Snake Mountain and you'd have Skeletor in a nutshell. DarkfireTaimatsu Member Sep 30th, 2009, 07:17 AM I've seen that pic of Scarecrow before, and it's one of my favourites. It'd make a good trading card. Also nice ...
Here's something my friend JackC asked me to port. It still needs some work: -Savestates (need to hook up z80 bankswitch) -Sprite zooming (not implemented yet) -Rasters are still very funky (they're f'd in MAME too...)