I'M NOT IN LOVE - 10cc Chords: B A C#m E Am G#m G# 2:58 POCO - Crazy Love [w/ lyrics] Chords: Ab Eb Bb Fm Abm 5:28 Roxette - Listen To Your Heart (lyrics) Chords: B C# G D#m Bm A D 4:16 "Danny's Song" Loggins and Messina Chords: A D Bm E G C C# 4:03 Yo...
as well as the first verse lyrics 'I'm not in love, so don't forget it, it's just a silly phase I'm going through...' so I took this to the studio, played it to the other guys and asked 'Would anyone like to finish it with me?'...
Wet Rubber Soupis very Art of Noise influenced, with snatches ofRubber Bullets,Life Is a Minestrone,I’m Not in Love and snippets from theConsequencesalbum. It must be said thatHistory Mix Vol.1is very much of its time, but if you love your 80s mash-ups, this may appeal to you. Cry...