好几次想退订,但每次在我要退订的时候,都会出一两部像“I Am Mother”这样的电影让我继续订阅。
I Am Motherdefinitely crumbled a bit near the end as the overall third act was a bit messy, but ultimately I loved most of the movie, and it was quite riveting in terms of pacing, engagement and editing. The direction is solid, the dialogue and its themes are great, the emotion is ev...
影片《I Am Mother》讲述一名少女在人类灭绝后,被一个用于构造生命让人类重现于地球、被称为“母亲”的机器人所创造,成为了新一代人类中的第一位,并且与“母亲”保持着独特的关系,然而一名受了伤的陌生人的到来使得这个关系受到动摇,让这名少女对于母亲告诉自己关于外面世界的一切以及母亲的意图产生了怀疑。 作为一...
Netflix的电影库如繁星点点,但有一颗璀璨的明珠独占鳌头——《吾乃母亲》(I Am Mother)。这部影片凭借其超越《黑镜》的深邃哲学探讨和与《月球》相当的叙事技巧,让所有电影爱好者都难以抗拒。它巧妙地融合了悬疑惊悚元素,特效、制作和表演的高水平,塑造了智商在线的角色,剧情设计既出人意料又引人...
作为一部没有大的动作场面的科幻电影,《I Am Mother》在表达作品思想上已经做得很到位,留下些没有明确的情节也值得回味和遐想,这也是科幻作品的魅力所在,至于这个电影要表达的思想你是否认同则是另外一回事。 世上的事,大多都不是黑白清晰,是非明了的,科幻世界里更是如此。这位机器母亲甚至让我想到了灭霸,生杀伐...
I Am Mother: Directed by Grant Sputore. With Luke Hawker, Rose Byrne, Maddie Lenton, Hazel Sandery. In the wake of humanity's extinction, a teenage girl is raised by a robot designed to repopulate the earth. But their unique bond is threatened when an in
I Am Mother: Regia di Grant Sputore. Con Luke Hawker, Rose Byrne, Maddie Lenton, Hazel Sandery. Un'adolescente viene cresciuta sottoterra da un robot premuroso chiamato "Madre" progettato per ripopolare la Terra a seguito dell'estinzione del genere umano
I Am Mother: Regia di Grant Sputore. Con Luke Hawker, Rose Byrne, Maddie Lenton, Hazel Sandery. Un'adolescente viene cresciuta sottoterra da un robot premuroso chiamato "Madre" progettato per ripopolare la Terra a seguito dell'estinzione del genere umano