影片《I Am Mother》讲述一名少女在人类灭绝后,被一个用于构造生命让人类重现于地球、被称为“母亲”的机器人所创造,成为了新一代人类中的第一位,并且与“母亲”保持着独特的关系,然而一名受了伤的陌生人的到来使得这个关系受到动摇,让这名少女对于母亲告诉自己关于外面世界的一切以及母亲的意图产生了怀疑。 作为一...
吾乃母亲 I Am Mother (2019) 导演: 格兰特·斯布托尔 一个人还是5个人,大局观还是局限性,人类的生存或灭绝是否需要被他人所判定,一千个人眼中有千种哈姆雷特,我觉得这就是人性的复杂性。 所有的曲折过程都是为了测试女儿是否具备成为母亲的特质,如果失败,将会有第二个,第三个,我想会实验到那个人的出现吧。成功...
These and other questions might not loom so large in the viewer’s mind if “I Am Mother” had fully delivered on the promise of its setup. If it weren’t so concerned with flipping the plot upside-down every 15 minutes (in the manner of a Netflix series, hmmm) the movie might’ve...
作为一部科幻电影,《I AM MOTHER》在道德上并没有做太多的讨论。导演在电影的结尾处,也算是清晰地...
Netflix的电影库如繁星点点,但有一颗璀璨的明珠独占鳌头——《吾乃母亲》(I Am Mother)。这部影片凭借其超越《黑镜》的深邃哲学探讨和与《月球》相当的叙事技巧,让所有电影爱好者都难以抗拒。它巧妙地融合了悬疑惊悚元素,特效、制作和表演的高水平,塑造了智商在线的角色,剧情设计既出人意料又引人...
I quickly shared this unbelievable news with my mother. She hugged me tightly, tears filling her eyes. Then my mother accompanied me to receive the award, reminding me that it was because of my teacher's help that I had...
A. Nancy’s mother. B. The woman. C. The man.【答案】A【解析】【原文】W: Michael, your daughter Nancy has gained admission to Nanjing Normal University, right M: Yes. Word gets around fast!W: If I remember correctly, it’s also your old school....
As I grew older and became a mother, the library took on a new place and an added meaning in my life. I had several children and books were our main source(来源) of entertainment. It was a big deal for us to load up and go to the local library, where my kids could pick out bo...
这下要变成I am ..不过woken本身地位就挺尴尬的,毕竟你美冷战可是能把老黑豹party的老黑捆的和惠灵顿牛排一样拉人上法庭(芝加哥七君子)的重量级,现在提woken本来就烂账一堆谁拍这种话题都是烫手山芋