I Am Mother: Directed by Grant Sputore. With Luke Hawker, Rose Byrne, Maddie Lenton, Hazel Sandery. In the wake of humanity's extinction, a teenage girl is raised by a robot designed to repopulate the earth. But their unique bond is threatened when an in
Mad Mother | I Am a MotherWell ive gone from being mummy to her and being grunted at by them when they were young teens to being best freinds and shopping/drinking buddies and ive loved all the stages my 5 children are going...Mad Mother...
“I Am Mother” director Grant Sputore‘s parentage is obvious: James Cameron crossbred with Ridley Scott. There are worse families to come from if you’re a young talent entering the world. Like Mother herself, an artificially intelligent robot who springs to life in an air-locked repopulatio...
影片《I Am Mother》讲述一名少女在人类灭绝后,被一个用于构造生命让人类重现于地球、被称为“母亲”的机器人所创造,成为了新一代人类中的第一位,并且与“母亲”保持着独特的关系,然而一名受了伤的陌生人的到来使得这个关系受到动摇,让这名少女对于母亲告诉自己关于外面世界的一切以及母亲的意图产生了怀疑。 作为一...
alike the Japanese force, I am his mother the most wanted girl in Japan, that B pink, forced to see him, ah ~ ~ ah cool to hear him be called 象日本自卫队,我是他的母亲被要的女孩在日本, B桃红色,牵强看见他,啊~ ~啊凉快听见他叫[translate]...
Status : Ongoing Last updated : Mar-13-2019 01:32:16 AM View : 2,372,181 Genres :Comedy,Seinen,Slice of life, Rating : Mangakakalot.com rate : 4.77 / 5 - 193 votes Dad, the Beard Gorilla and I summary: After losing her mother to a tragic accident, 6-year old tomboy, Michiru,...
Netflix的电影库如繁星点点,但有一颗璀璨的明珠独占鳌头——《吾乃母亲》(I Am Mother)。这部影片凭借其超越《黑镜》的深邃哲学探讨和与《月球》相当的叙事技巧,让所有电影爱好者都难以抗拒。它巧妙地融合了悬疑惊悚元素,特效、制作和表演的高水平,塑造了智商在线的角色,剧情设计既出人意料又引人...
下方涉及剧透。1.被电影忽悠的开头时间 这个时间点和Mother组装好并开始造人处于同一时间点 然后我们来...
Momma Knows | I Am a MotherMy mother has a special gift I call " momma knows".Growing up I had 2 older brothers and we lived in the country and boy were we wild .My father was military strick which we fought every step of the...Momma KnowsPoetry...