She had had a great-aunt who owned the livery stable in Cheehaw, but that aunt was now dead. Aside from her there was only one double first cousin who lived in a town twenty miles away, but this cousin and Miss Amelia did not get on so well, and when they chanced to pass each ...
「Lost But I'll Be Okay」请放宽心,一步步靠近更喜欢的自己 「Heart For Rent」与其执着于种种诱惑,把时间留给真正值得的事 「Lie Awake」很梦幻很憧憬很美好的电音 「Next To Me」允许一切事情发生,不强求,不怨恨 「You're With Somebody Else」轻安喜乐,次第花开 「Gold」希望你始终如一依旧是骄傲的自己...
I am losing you 手机没信号 lose [luːz] 不明白;听不见;弄不明白 释义:to fail to get, hear or understand sth lose有听不清和理解不了的含义,打电话时说的I am losing you可以理解为信号不太好了我听不清你说什么了。 the signal is ...
I'm lost, I can't find the way to the park. 我迷路了, 找不到去公园路了。 lost 是 lose 的过去分词, 意思是'丧失的、迷惑的、丢失'。 但转念一想, 现在手机上都有导航, 恐怕想迷路都很难了。所以, 在我们的日常生活中, I'm lost更有可能的意思是"思想上开小差, 走神了'。比如: Are you ...
I am not staying here. Are you out of your mind? 这是我的车,你是我的司机快把袋子放回去 This is my car. You work for me. Get those bags back in this car now! 我知道她被车撞到一直流血但我也是病人耶 I understand the bleeding person has a medical condition, but so do I. 我有支...
"If I look back, I am lost."(如果我回头,一切就都完了)丹妮莉丝在绝境中反复自语的一句话。
女王的棋局第1季第5集台词 英文中文Dark's nothing to be afraid of.无需害怕黑暗In fact, I'd go as far as saying...
lose有听不清和理解不了的含义,打电话时说的I am losing you可以理解为信号不太好了我听不清你说什么了。the signal is weak/bad 信号弱;信号差bad connection 信号不好 signal是信号,所以网络信号差可以用the signal is weak表示。例句:We are walking in the suburban street and I am losing you.我...
lose your lunch也不是把你的午餐弄丢了,真正的意思有一点点恶心,表示呕吐,you are going to lose your lunch就是你快要吐了。 Sara is usually a calm girl, but she lost it after being dumped. 萨拉平常是一个沉着冷静的人, 但被甩后,她的情绪失控了。