Seddie (sometimes referred to as Fram or Saddie) is the romantic pairing between Sam Puckett and Freddie Benson (S/am and Fr/eddie). It's the most popular and the most supported ship on the show, partially because of being the "official" ship. This pairing mainly rivals Creddie (C/arly...
Welcome to my Talk Page! The point of my Talk Page is to communicate with me, obviously! You can also see previous discussions here. Please do not vanadalize, speak profanity, troll, etc. here. I also take friend requests! Also please note: I will...
Of course, rather than losing your mind and paying to get around proprietary restrictions, you could just get your iphone using friends to use one of the dozens of third party messaging apps that work on all platforms, like telegram or whatsapp. Don't ask to ask, just ask... please ...
The LGBTQIA+ community was one of our first supporters — our first pop-up market was a gay bar with drag queens and to this day it is one of my most favorite events we’ve ever done,” said Albert. “We met so many incredible people and they still support our business. Feeling the...
The Johnson’s dog wishes you a happy holidays? Their mailbox? What? I know I’ve been out of school for awhile now so if there was some grammatical overhaul and I’m in the wrong here someone’s gotta let me know because I’m losing my shit over this. ...
I am a bit more active on my tumblr blog which gives me inspiration on what to watch next and I also make GIFs from scenes in dramas that are memorable to me. So if you’re bored, you can find me there. I just finished Imperial Doctress with Cecilia Liu and love it just as much...
I’d pull up a stool at the bar for lunch every day in San Diego, set this giant ipad up there with & my keys & wallet sitting on it, and no one ever messed with any of it. I seem to remember selling it to buy the v2 and only losing about $20 on it after a years worth ...
ve said that before but this time I’m really gonna try—I read some article about staving off Alzheimer’s and it said that people who have more analytic/complex jobs are better off. My job isn’t at all analytic and neither is this blog obviously HAHA but look, here I am talking ...
I thought I was never gonna post my year-end music listicle. Due to circumstances (personal + work) beyond my control, I was unable to post this blog on time. But here I am, and this listicle is posted. I believe this post is still fresh into the new year. ...
You see: I am in process. Of writing a book. Of starting a podcast. Of saving a marriage. Of going on international travel. Of building a life. I want to HAVE LIVED. But, I also want to BE ALIVE. Don’t Look Away. ByBen WilkoffMarch 14, 2022 ...