I Am Innocent游戏是一款全新的文字推理向解密游戏,超轻松的交流模式,各种新奇的地图打造,通过文字来进行聊天,全新的新挑战内容,完美的故事结局出现,完成新的推理模式,快来自己试试吧。 I Am Innocent游戏特色: 这个新游戏有时可能会打破常规,需要创造性地思考。 你可以和朋友一起畅玩这款容易让人沉溺其中的免费...
I Am Innocent 我是无辜的的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
I Am Innocent is an original detective game with puzzle elements. Use realistic in-game phone calls, a messenger, computer hacking, photographs, and documents to investigate a series of murders with teenage victims. The game’s many characters, with their complex personalities and skeletons in the...
I Am Innocent评分及评论 4.2(满分 5 分) 1万 个评分 YetiBeiber,2019/08/03 Great game, but... I love the idea of this game and how realistic it is. And it’s really exciting when you get a call. My dad had previously downloaded it so I wanted to try it myself. Like I said I...
Download APK I Am Innocent (Mod Money) 2.17.130.mod for Android: I Am Innocent is an original detective game with puzzle elements. Use realistic in-game phone calls, a messenger, computer hacking, photographs, and d...
About this game Captain the Vegendary Heroes, survive the Zombiegeddon and take revenge upon the birds, the pigs, and the zombies! Enjoy this mind-blowing travesty of mobile game hits! - Enemies have joined forces to destroy all plants! They trample down young innocent seedlings, besiege the...
innocent [ˈɪnəsənt] a.无辜的, 清白的 insect [ˈɪnsekt] n. 昆虫 insert [ɪnˈsɜːt] vt. 插入 inside [ɪnˈsaɪd] prep.在…里面 ad.在里面 insist [ɪnˈsɪst] vi. 坚持;坚决认为 inspect [ɪnˈspekt] vt. 检查;检验;审视 inspire [ɪ...
Dad and a pair of hands, thumb is modelling, like a big egg. Dad's biggest characteristics is love sports, as long as a have time, will go to the table tennis hall, there is always the innocent I bring. Mother has a pair of made me feel kind of big eyes, but sometimes, this ...
About this game Captain the Vegendary Heroes, survive the Zombiegeddon and take revenge upon the birds, the pigs, and the zombies! Enjoy this mind-blowing travesty of mobile game hits! - Enemies have joined forces to destroy all plants! They trample down young innocent seedlings, besiege the...
How to Play the Puzzle Game I Am Innocent Guide Added:Feb 20th, 2018 For the most part, the game can be compared to the basic mechanics of the game “Tetris” a simple brick game from the 90'ss. If by any chance you are not familiar to the reference as you were not yet a kid ...