81copypastas More Emoji Pasta Copypastas Ocean Man 2473 twitchquotes:OCEAN MAN 🌊 😍 Take me by the hand ✋ lead me to the land that you understand 🙌 🌊 OCEAN MAN 🌊 😍 The voyage 🚲 to the corner of the 🌎 globe is a real trip 👌 🌊 OCEAN MAN 🌊 😍 The ...
README.md iCopyPasta iOS app for your pasteboard feed, demo app for experimenting with RxSwift. You can read the story about it on All The Flow blog. ##Install with Carthage Run brew update && brew install carthage, then carthage update --platform iOS and press ▶️ in your Xcode....
Department Am I So Lucky To Have Raised A Science *And* Film Nerd? Dateline: last Saturday, circa 8:50 am. The following IM message chat ensued between daughter Belle andmoiself, after she’d IM’d me the previous evening to let me know she was going to see the newGodzillamovie. Bel...
in B.be intereted in C.be fond of D.be addicted to 32.The cientit carefu___the behavior of the mone and made note in their boo A.noticed B.oberved C.changed D.accee ue a__41__ I wa tuding oftware for much of m am__42__that I coud reaie m reaiation of...
Department Of There’s Another Trip To Croatia In My Future Dateline: Tuesday am.Always-on-her-toes-and-ever-vigilant-re-the-cultural-zeitgeistfriend LAH alerted me to something which sounded too good to be true.Oh,moiselfof little faith! I doubted her at first…until I remembered that the...
I work for a couple of hours most evenings during term time...except Fridays, which are sacrosanct. While I have the time for this - my family are grown up and have left home now - I am completely in awe of many of my colleagues with young families, who are sometimes teachi...
Also, to use your cellular network in the United States, you must pay a monthly fee. The good news is that no carrier requires a long-term contract, which you probably had to have when you bought your cellphone and its service plan. You can pay for a connection during the month you ...
You guys… kids shoes fit me. Why am I JUST NOW figuring this out? So many missed shoe opportunities not realizing this until now! Here’s a handy chart to see if you can share in my new found joy: :Real Sophisticated Consumer
I am bored. And on top of that, I am hungry. You don't want to see me hungry. I am Justin's raging bile duct.So for that...I will see you in PGH... Mwahahaha! Bow down to your senior resident!!! You will not see the outside of the hospital until I say so! *lightning ...
I float in and out, not touching. I’m better on the outside, no investment, no responsibility. You don’t hold my crap so I don’t have to hold yours. I am not a burden. I will not be a burden. I will not touch, or be touched. I know my reasons for how I am, but I...