I.AM.GIA is a curated collection of statement wardrobe essentials in bold styles and contemporary fabrics, designed to wear trans seasonally, anywhere. The design process behind the label heavily revolves around an ethereal and futuristic character, name
I.AM.GIA is a curated collection of statement wardrobe essentials in bold styles and contemporary fabrics, designed to wear trans seasonally, anywhere. The design process behind the label heavily revolves around an ethereal and futuristic character, name
I.AM.GIA is a curated collection of statement wardrobe essentials in bold styles and contemporary fabrics, designed to wear trans seasonally, anywhere. The design process behind the label heavily revolves around an ethereal and futuristic character, name
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I AM GIA中文官网是品牌在中国地区的官方在线购物平台,用户可通过该网站浏览商品、完成购物流程并享受售后服务。官网设计简洁,功能板块划分清晰,涵盖商品展示、在线购物、客户服务及会员福利等内容,同时支持多种支付方式和物流跟踪。以下从官网功能、购物流程及特色服务等维度展开说明。 官网...
I AM GIA 是一个以街头潮流和年轻化为核心的时尚品牌,近年来因设计感强、风格鲜明的小众单品受到关注,尤其是其迷你短裙、露脐上衣等女性
View I.Am.Gia (https://iamgia.com) location in California, United States , revenue, industry and description. Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and much more.
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来自澳大利亚的品牌I AM GIA,由Alana Pallister2017年所创立,短短几年时间内,便成功圈粉了一大波明星和超模,比如Kaia Gerber,Emily Ratajkowsk,Bella Hadid,Kendall Jenner等人的喜爱。谈及为何创作这个品牌及灵感来源 ↓ 品牌创始人Alana曾说过,在她那个年代的第一个超级模特Gia Carangi(70年代末,80年代超级...
“i am gia”是一个源自澳大利亚的女装品牌,以大胆设计、女性自信表达和社交媒体影响力著称。其产品融合复古与现代元素,主打辣妹风格,深