Quintillian: ‘I am complaining that a man has been murdered. Shall I not see the assassin burst suddenly from his hiding place, the victim tremble, cry for help?’ The Latin name for this mode of fabulation and artistry and lies was evidentia: evidence. You could, if you wanted, lis...
Carine sits at the foot of the stairs at the back of the room watching her brother with a hint of concern. CHRIS (a little drunk, a little emotional) Dad, you and I have had our differences over the years...but on your birthday I want to tell you how grateful I am for all the...
if his opponent fails if history repeats it if hollywood had call if i am a sinner if i called on you no if i cant be with the if i cant love her if i could have let y if i could just be ri if i could just get o if i could rearrange if i could reborn if i could sing ...
i also won a national i also write poem i always adhere to i always keep a bottl i always love you i always loved comput i always pretend i do i always think that k i always won bets i am span hreftagphpn i am a flower and you i am a flower quickly i am a ladies man i ...
We dressed up in costumes,drew pictures,and sang at the top of our lungs. Today,I am a very fun person to be with. 4. 39 My mom has always pushed me towards becoming independent. Not for her good, but for mine. I made my own decisions without her trying to manage me. Because ...
it works. before long you will find that instead of repelling people, you attract them. you discover how deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will. then the make-believe becomes ...
To the poet‘s eyes, the first glimpse of the world was a picture of light, harmony, peace and love. But in the later years, experiences had brought a fuller sense of the power of evil, and of the great misery and pain of the people‘s life. ―The Tyger‖ is the sister poem to...
Looking at the card, she was surprised and shed tears. She called me into the room and touched my head and said, "thank you, my dear daughter. You are one year old again!" 今天妈妈很高兴,我也很开心,因为我做了一件很有意义的事。 Today, my mother is very happy, and I am very ...
Armistice Day, international holiday observed each year on November 11 to commemorate the end of World War I. The titular armistice was signed at 5:45 am on November 11, 1918, at Compiègne, in the region of Picardy, France. The agreement took effect at
Carine sits at the foot of the stairs at the back of the room watching her brother with a hint of concern. CHRIS (a little drunk, a little emotional) Dad, you and I have had our differences over the years...but on your birthday I want to tell you how grateful I am for all the ...