【催眠英文】Affirmations For Abundance "I AM" 2020-03-07 00:41:26 7669 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 如果你睡不着了,听听这些英文催眠读物吧,放松心情的同时,还能潜意识灌输英语知识,建议设置成定时睡眠模式哦。 本专辑所有音频MP3获取方式: 关注微信公众号:【YOU书社】 然后在公众号后台私信“催眠”二字, 即可...
I am successful. 我是成功的。 I believe in myself. 我相信我自己。 I am motivated. 我是积极的。 I am dedicated. 我是专注的。 I am confident. 我是自信的。 I am fearless. 我是无畏的。 I am taking action today. 我今天就开始行动。 I am powerful. 我是强大的。 I am beautiful. 我是...
I Am Affirmations 跟读 #吸引力法则 00:06 深呼吸(静心) 呼气, 再吐气开始 I Am Affirmations 跟...
【催眠英文】Affirmations For Abundance "I AM" 英文原版读物4241 【催眠英文】I am at peace with myself 英文原版读物5665 【催眠英文】Today I choose to be optimistic 英文原版读物5235 【催眠英文】I can love myself right now 英文原版读物7851 【催眠英文】I am perfect just the way I am 英文原版...
- Affirmations define your focus. When you focus your energy on the things you want, like achieving your goals, the positive, uplifting, and good, you’re creating an abundance mindset and strengthening your resolve to make it happen. - They open you up to possibility. Too often we get st...
- Affirmations define your focus. When you focus your energy on the things you want, like achieving your goals, the positive, uplifting, and good, you’re creating an abundance mindset and strengthening your resolve to make it happen.
Manifest Abundance with Positive I Am Affirmations来自:Rising Higher Meditation无 收藏 共14首歌 I Live in an Abundant Universe. I Am Abundant. (feat. Jess Shepherd)Rising Higher Meditation、Jess Shepherd I Am Grateful for All the Wealth in My Life. I Am Abundant. (feat. Jess Shepherd)Rising...
全部播放 专辑名:I Am Wealthy Nightly Money Affirmations, 888 Hz Abundance Frequency 歌手:Affirmations Music Center、Relaxation Music Guru、Deep Sleep Hypnosis Masters 发行时间:2024-05-29 简介:<I Am Wealthy Nightly Money Affirmations, 888 Hz Abundance Frequency> - 歌曲列表 全部播放播放 全选 01...
I am. These two small words may seem small and insignificant at first glance, but they are mighty. Using I am affirmations can help you see major shifts and transformations in every area of your life. In this post, we will dive deep into how exactly to use;I am affirmationsto shift an...
"Affirmations I am" can always be a part of your life because it is a known generator of abundance once you use it well. Using these affirmations effectively can help you bring that much-awaited abundance into your life. Positive affirmations can bring you to a healthy life and purposeful ...