I Am a Hero: Regie: Shinsuke Sato Mit Yô Ôizumi, Kasumi Arimura, Masami Nagasawa, Hisashi Yoshizawa Eine Assistentin eines Manga-Künstlers wird von einer Zombie-Apokalypse überrascht.
I Am a Hero 4 de 5 estrellas Una epidemia convierte a los japoneses en zombies violentos Cine Crítica de Time Out jueves 23 marzo 2017 Compartir Escrito por Gerard Casau Time Out dice En el manga de Kengo Hanazawa en el que se basa la película, el protagonista no tiene el prime...
"I Am a Herois probably the greatest zombie manga ever。 It has the slow buildup of a psychological horror manga, but when the zombies hit, they hit hard, and the manga accelerates into volumes-long fight-or-flight sequences that seem like they'll never stop。" -Jason Thompson (Manga:...
Mr I AM 作者:カキネ 最新第2话 Mr I AM I am fish 又名:我是鱼 ...桑感短篇 感谢梦花李吧 染吹是王道童鞋自... 完结第1话 I am fish 作者:梦花李 完结第1话 又名:我是鱼 ...桑感短篇 感谢梦花李吧 染吹是王道童鞋自... Am I a hero?
And considering these aren't individual volumes, but rather omnibus collections, the manga should have already gotten there at this point。 The art, especially the zombies, is really goo too, which makes this kind of like a double disappointment。 。。。more ...
《I am a Hero Omnibus Volume 9》是Dark Horse Manga出版的图书,作者是Kengo Hanazawa。内容简介 A small group of survivors, led by former manga creator Korori Nakata, considers breaking from a large, organized group of humans who follow cult leader ''Asada'' and have taken control of a high...
去milet家过夜、小心她给你这个当枕头【米蕾の藏经阁】1:50AM 10/01/2024 00:05 不懂为啥这两个指头受伤,但自愈能力max【milet】09/30/2024 00:10 milet清唱一首没有发行的!写给别的女人的生日歌『All I Can Do』3:15AM 09/29/2024 01:01 ...
【milet IG快拍 02/28/2024】 00:05 你好谢谢爱你再见【milet IG快拍 02/25/2024】 00:10 milet在巴黎「Tsume Store」【IG快拍 02/23/2024】 00:11 milet在巴黎「Manga Story」【IG快拍 02/23/2024】 00:11 milet x 鬼冢英吉【IG快拍 02/23/2024】 00:11 巴黎巴黎巴黎巴黎巴黎【milet IG快拍 02/...
Take off on a galactic adventure with I Am Groot Mystery Minis! Collect your favorite characters from I Am Groot in this assortment of new figures featuring the galaxy's cutest baby Flora Colossus hero and friends. There's Fancy Groot, Groot with Nesting Doll, Dancing Groot in Onesie, ...
Posted by Brigid Alverson on June 10, 2019 @ 9:42 am CT分享 Facebook Twitter Email Reddit Media tie-ins and manga dominate the Top 20 Adult Graphic Novels in the book channel, based on NPD BookScan data for May (5/5/19-6/1/19) provided to ICv2. That’s actually redundant, as...