To help facilitate her entry into Hong Kong, you can prepare a letter addressed to the Immigration Department explaining that she is visiting you, your residence status in Hong Kong, and that you will be responsible for her during her stay. ...
1. We've already addressed that issue multiple times. Let's move on and not beat a dead horse.(我们已经讨论了那个问题多次了。让我们继续前进,不要再纠缠在这个无望的问题上。)2. I've tried explaining my point of view, but they keep bringing up the same arguments. It feels like beating...
1346.The highlight of this exhibition is the painting Clearing After Snow on a Mountain Pass, one of the great works of Tang Yin (1470-1524). 本次展览的亮点是唐寅(1470— 1524)的杰作之——《函关雪霁图》。 1347...
判断下列句子中 address的词性及含义①I haven't received the letter he addressed to me last week yet. 一②He addressed an audience of 10,000supporters. _③The professor gave an address to the college students. _④ The related departments are concerned about the issue and have taken many measu...
6. Due to the absence of a lot of members, the issue had not been addressed at the conference.7. Credit card has become a crucial part of life in UK.8. The email carrying virus created a panic inside Microsoft.9. 之后当他被询问是否愿意长期性地作为一名图书管理员,他毫不犹豫地答应了,...
its knowin that your its like a fairyland its like trusting a w its like youre headed its me against the mu its new start its night again its not a lot but its its not addressed to its not being in love its not easy its not fair to her l its not for me its not gonna last its...
ive settled for less im still the same im waiting for a sign im everything i a bec imechanical technolog iq i sensitivity i c instrument and co i - ibex i a little tired i achieve i acquired silver and i act like shit i adagio maestoso-all i added a stir milk b i addressed them...
stage D. addressed E. rooted F. served G. cover H. board I. voice J. process K. press1. Up to now we have realized that racial discrimination is Ein its local culture, so it is a long way to go before all citizens enjoy the equal civil rights.2. To his relief, his illness ...
外企职场中,“已处理,请知悉”用英文怎么说? 工作完成后,你想回复“已处理,请知悉”怎么表达?直接了当、简短说法: Well noted Done FYI Finished 礼貌高级用法: "Noted and resolved, thank you for bringing it to my attention." "Acknowledged and taken care of, please be informed." "I have addressed...
In the last year, Obama has begun speaking more often about race, though the topic is by no means a frequent part of his speeches and remarks. He addressed the issue in deeply personal terms following a jury’s acquittal of the man accused of killing black teenager Trayvon Martin, and ...