John got us coffee on the way and while I was there he took our teenager to the park. I know it would probably seem weird to most that I was smiling and making jokes early in the morning on a scaldingly hot day at a mammogram appointment, but I was. When it was over I let John...
All that being said, throughout the race I really felt good. I was going slow, but I wasn’t hurting or miserable. I felt better on my third lap than I did on my first or second, and that was in spite of having to repeat a mile and a half section that I accidentally missed on...
The camp wisely took everyone’s picture the first day when we arrived, not just because it would be the happiest and cleanest all the campers would look for the entire week, but also to have a current photo to distribute to any search and rescue teams in the unlikely event that a child...
I’m such a light sleeper so if I have a longer red eye will take half an Ambien… I’m a super light sleeper so it helps me to sleep and beat jet lag. Talk to your doctor about that though. HUM nutrition also makes abeauty sleep supplementthat I really like, and I have friends...
Having stayed up during the flight, I was ready to go back to sleep by the time I reachedmy hotel in South Africaaround 10 pm. All went well and I was on local time by the next morning. The next day I was a little tired by raring to go. On my second night, I fell asleep a...