由上而下共三部分,上部为说明,中间是入境卡(Arrival Card),下部是出境卡(Departure Card)。共有 21项需要填写。填写时,每个字母、数字或符号占一个格(英文最好全大写)。 1.Family Name --姓 2.First(Given)Name --名 3.Date of Birth(DD/MM/YY)-- 生日(按日、月、年的格式填写)4.Country of ...
I-94 Card: Arrival-Departure Record I-94 card is a nonimmigrant visitor's Arrival-Departure Record. Prior to April 30, 2013, any visitor holding a nonimmigrant visa and entering the U.S. through a port of entry (POE), either by air, sea or land, must complete CBP Form I-94 and ...
入出境记录卡(Arrival / Departure Record),即I-94卡,也俗称为“白卡”是持非移民签证的外籍人士*合法入境美国的证明及在美国以合法身份合法停留的证明。通常,持非移民签证者无论到美国的任何地方,都应该随身携带I-94卡与护照,一并使用,缺一不可。在离开美国时,应将I-94卡交回给航空公司或轮船上的相关工作人...
(CustomsDeclaration)飞机上需填写出入境表(I-94 Card)和海关申报表(Customs Declaration)I-94 表填写注意:所有项目均用英文大写字母填写1. Family Name:姓 2. FirstGiven Name:名3. Birth DateDay/Mo/Yr:出生日期.按日月年填写,如 1990 年 1 月 1 日写为 0101904. Country of Citizenship:国籍。填 CHINA...
It’s worth keeping a hard copy of your I-94 travel record in a safe place. To download or print out a copy of your I-94 card, simply log onto the CBP’sI-94 websiteand follow the on-screen instructions. Electronic travel records are convenient in most cases, but things can get co...
I-94, Arrival/Departure Record,赴美航班飞机上发的,俗称的“小白卡”有一个网站叫 google 有一种...
I-94 Number on Electronic I-94 Form See the below screenshot to see where it is on the physical I-94 card. US Federal Agencies agencies use this number to validate your status in the US. I-94 Arrival-Departure Record Number You can check out Samples of I-94 Arrival Departure ...
Going Paperless: CBP Announces Plan to Eliminate I-94 Arrival Record CardDavid Grunblatt
Please give this declaration card to that officer at the exit. 走出海关时,请将蓝色的海关申报表交给工作人员,此时部分乘客的行李可能会被抽查,所以这就是我们之前提到的千万不要怀有侥幸心理,切记要如实申报所携带入境的食品,以免被罚款甚至被列入海关“黑名单”。没有其他问题的乘客就可以提取行李后,走出海关,...
The immigration officer at the U.S. port of entry makes a decision on your admission, the length and conditions of your stay, and will record the terms of your admission on the form “Arrival/Departure Record” (I-94 Form) as well as in your passport.The I-94 Form is a ...