不管是申请OPT、工签、还是绿卡等在入境的时候,都会需要I-94记录。 怎么填写I-94 填写I-94表格需要学生提供自己的个人信息、护照信息、签证信息,还需要填写一些与学生入境有关的问题。 每个I-94表格都有一个号码,叫做Admission Number。此表格包含两个部分,分别为入境...
请注意,每个I-94表格都独一无二,拥有一个特定的号码,即Admission Number。此表格分为两个关键部分:一是入境记录Arrival Record,二是离境记录Departure Record。在填写时,请务必确保信息的准确性和完整性。*注意:在填写I-94表格时,请务必确保您的姓名与护照上的信息完全一致。同时,生日一项需按照2015年底之前...
Admission Number 9 09登记号码9 09 I-94 Arrival Record I-94 入境记录 1. Family Name 1. 姓 2. First (Given) Name 2. 名 3. Birth Date(Day/Mo/Yr) 3. 生日(月/日/年) 4. Country of Citizenship 4. 哪个国家公民 5. Sex (Male or Female) 5. 性别(男填MALE或女填FEMALE) 6. ...
FormI-94(10-01-85)NI-94表(10-01-85)N AdmissionNumber69738503101登记号码69738503101 ImmigrationandNaturalization Service 移民局 I-94ArrivalRecordI-94入境记录 1.FamilyName1.姓 2.First(Given)Name2.名 3.BirthDate(Day/Mo/Yr)3.生日(月/日/年) ...
(*举例说明)Welcome to the United State Admission Number 233414639 09 I-94 Arrival/Departure Record-Instructions This form must be completed by all persons except U.S.citizens, returning resident aliens with immigrant visas, and Canadian Citizens visiting or in transit.233414639 09I-94 入境/离境...
请千万保管好,并随时携带I-94表,尤其在临时离开美国境的时候,否则无法再度返回美国海关表格样本:U.S.DepartmentofJusticeOMR1115-4077美国司法部OMR1115-407ImmigrationandNaturalizationservice移民局WelcometotheUnitedState欢迎来到美国AdmissionNumber登记号码(*举例说明)I-94 2、Arrival/DepartureRecord-InstructionsThisform...
Item 9 – If you are entering the United States by land, enter LAND in this space.If you are entering the United States by ship, enter SEA in this space.第9项内容说明—如果你从陆地进入美国,请在空格内填写LAND,如果你乘船进入美国,请在空格内填写SEA Admission Number *** XX 登记号码(说明:...
Department of Justice 美国司法部 OMR 1115-4077 OMR Immigration and Naturalization service 1115-407 移民局 Welcome to the United State 欢迎来到美 国 Admission Number 登记号码 (* 233414639 09 举例说明) 233414639 09 I-94 Arrival/Departure Record-Instruction I-94 入境/ 离境记录说 明 This form must...
FormI-94(10-01-85)N I-94 表 (10-01 -85)N AdmissionNumber ImmigrationandNaturalizationService I-94 ArrivalRecord 1.FamilyName 2.First(Given)Name 3.BirthDate(Day/Mo/Yr) 4.CountryofCitizenship 5.Sex(MaleorFemale) 登记号码移民局 I-94 入境记录姓名生日(月/日 / 年 ) 4.哪个国家公民 5....
1. How to Find and Get the Electronic I-94 Online? Download? 2. What is an I-94 Admission Number or I-94 Card Number? 3. I-94 Not Found or No Record Found For Traveler? 4. How do I fix I-94 Issues like “No Record Found” and other Issues? 5. Common FAQs If you...