This study aims to adapt the scale of “The Measure of Verbally Expressed Emotion” into Turkish and examine its psychometric properties. 614 par
has the most meaning. This Is shown in figure 3, Of course In reality I.P. occurs at a point much greater than the devIce Is actually capable of producIng power but the separatIon between the curves In dB for a specific power Input or power output level predIcts how far down the ...
... Meaning ,storms was rebuked,millions was ministered too maybe more,people was healed,souls were won,Good News got around. Twelve years of school 4 more come college 33 years among women getting not six but the evil one using six to cross the truth of things...James 3-14 and two...
Under INA § 101(b)(1)(E), if your child is adopted, the adoption must be valid, meaning:It is valid under the law of the country or place granting the order; It creates a legal permanent parent-child relationship between a child and someone who is not already the child’s legal ...
It was used more in my grandparents' time, but the old phrase was 'why buy a cow when the milk is free,' meaning that if a girl is willing to have six before marriage, that encourages the guy to not marry her. The girl is giving away the milk for free (having six with the guy...
I would not advise forcing Ethernet backhaul as I am not confident the implementation is without bugs, meaning I have had nodes drop and never come back, (hence the all Auto approach). I would not hard reset it and re-add, as this cycle of searching for the best backhaul option se...
I have also been in contact with Apple Support via phone since last week (I've been meaning to do it, although haven't partially out of laziness lol.) It usually happens after being open for a couple of minutes, no matter what document I am using. Originally it was only happening a ...
(~5 ps) and is followed by far slower transfer to P700 (~20 ps) where charge separation occurs with an electron transfer time of ~1 ps. Although it seemed to be clear for a long time that P700 is the primary electron donor, this is not so certain anymore, meaning that transfer to ...
两种相等在做字符串比较的时候都很方便,尤其是在进行排序和搜索的时候。但需要记住的是,尽量不要用compatibility equivalence来正交化某个会永久存储的字符串。因为it can alter the text’s meaning: Normalization Forms KC and KD must not be blindly applied to arbitrary text. Because they erase many formatti...
The answer options ran from (1) “does not apply at all” to (5) “applies completely”, and their meaning was illustrated by bars of increasing height that did, however, not contain any indication as to the desirability of the answer options (e.g., colors, smileys; see Severson and ...