Prevents Common Errors: Detailed instructions and clear fields help you avoid mistakes that can delay the immigration process. Whether you’re a petitioner, joint sponsor, or substitute sponsor, the I-864 PDF Template is your reliable tool for submitting a flawless Affidavit of Support. Download it...
出国表格i-864 下载积分: 2500 内容提示: I-864, Affidavit of SupportUnder Section 213A of the ActForm I-864 Instructions (Rev. 10/18/07)YInstructionsThe following immigrants are required by law to submit FormI-864 completed by the petitioner to obtain an immigrant visaoverseas or to adjust ...
The i-864 Form Pdf, also known as the Affidavit of Support, is a document that is used in the U.S. immigration process to show that a sponsor is financially able to support an immigrant who is seeking to become a permanent resident in the United States. The i-864 Form Pdf serves as...
其实再深入研究下这个问题,在I-864A填写指南里也可以得到很清晰的答案:如果I-864表格上,美国申请人的收入加上中国申请人的收入一起才足够担保,那么中国申请人是不需要填写I-864A表的,除非有随行家属一起移民。 案例拆解 根据以上的案例主人翁的情况,在其妻子的申请中,他的妻子无需为自己填写I-864A表格。但是在...
注:这时候同住人需填写I-864A并提供他(们)的新近的税单. 请大家让LG或GG多看看I 864表格前面的Instructions 说明,里面介绍了如何填表,谁该填此表,怎么计算人口数等重要信息。 二丶I-134 表格是适应于K1/K3申请的经济担保 (本文里的“你”指美国请愿人) ...
If you prefer to fill out the Form I-864 PDF, you candownload instructions from USCISor follow this summary of directions. General Guidance Type or print answers in black ink only. Enter “N/A” if an answer is not applicable and "NONE" if your answer is zero. ...
It is recommended that a cooperative Phase II Study in a broad spectrum of human solid tumors including lymphomas and chronic myelocytic leukemia be undertaken at a dose level of 2 mg/kg.S. J. Altman MD HematologistLatter-day Saints HospitalW. S. Fletcher MD Professor of Surgery...
适用雅马哈巧格i125踏板摩托车脚垫 ZY125T-13/14/15脚踏改装配件 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格不同而发生变化,如用户与商家线下达成协议,以线下协议的结算价格为准,如用户在爱采购上完成线上购买,则最终以订单结算页价格...
推力和动态: 这个我之前的试听上就已经提过了,A864推力相对于之前的肯定是有提升的,现在结论不变,这个环节主要看和CD有多少差距,我多首歌的对比,我觉得SX410的推力还是更足啊,功率储备更多,因此在大场面爆棚的时候,SX410比A864还是多了份从容和自信的,当然,A864本身的推力已经不错,动态的水准相比XK和A845也是...