Use the latest Uscis i-864 Affidavit Of Support blank form. Manage the word and PDF templates online. Fill in the editable and printable samples from the web.
I-864 Template The I-864 PDF Template is a crucial document required for U.S. immigration sponsorship. Officially known as the Affidavit of Support, this form ensures that sponsors can financially support the immigrant they are sponsoring, preventing them from becoming a public charge. This docume...
出国表格i-864 下载积分: 2500 内容提示: I-864, Affidavit of SupportUnder Section 213A of the ActForm I-864 Instructions (Rev. 10/18/07)YInstructionsThe following immigrants are required by law to submit FormI-864 completed by the petitioner to obtain an immigrant visaoverseas or to adjust ...
移民局的经济担保表格,有I-134和I-864之分,各有其用途。不但有的担保人搞不太清 楚,就是律师也有稀里糊涂的。 I-134表是干什么的? 是用于非移民签证的经济担保书。你有亲朋好友在美国大使馆签证,你用它来给他们担保。 还有,你的父母在美国办延期,你也可以用它. ...
If you prefer to fill out the Form I-864 PDF, you candownload instructions from USCISor follow this summary of directions. General Guidance Type or print answers in black ink only. Enter “N/A” if an answer is not applicable and "NONE" if your answer is zero. ...
美国移民局今年公布有关经济担保书(I-864表)的新 规定 美国移民局今年公布有关经济担保书(I-864表)的新规定AffidavitofSupportRegulation。新规定已在2006年7⽉21⽇⽣效。从7⽉21⽇之后,不论申请⽂件是在何时递交的,移民局在审理移民签证或转换⾝份申请时会依都需要符合新规定的要求来审理。经济...
1、.经济担保的I-134和1-864的填写方法和要点移民局的经济担保表格,有 I-134 和 I-864 之分,各有其用途。不但有的担保人搞不太清楚,就是律师也有稀里糊涂的。I-134 表是干什么的?是用于非移民签证的经济担保书。你有亲朋好友在美国大使馆签证,你用它来给他们担保。还有,你的父母在美国办延期,你也可以...
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