即其收入需单独超过联邦贫困线的125%,联合担保人还应同时提交一份附加的经济担保书(形式上仍为I-864表格)也可将担保人之家庭成员的收入列入,二者的收入相加后满足超过联邦贫困线的125%即可,该列入的家庭成员需与担保人共同签署I-864A表格(Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member),作为担保人所...
也可将担保人之家庭成员的收入列入,二者的收入相加后满足超过联邦贫困线的125%即可,该列入的家庭成员需与担保人共同签署I-864A表格(Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member),作为担保人所单独签署的I-864表格的附件与I-864表格共同提交 也可提供担保人的资产证明,或提供受益人能够在一年内兑换成现金的资产证...
也可将担保人之家庭成员的收入列入,二者的收入相加后满足超过联邦贫困线的125%即可,该列入的家庭成员需与担保人共同签署I-864A表格(Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member),作为担保人所单独签署的I-864表格的附件与I-864表格共同提交 也可提供担保人的资产证明,或提供受益人能够在一年内兑换成现金的资产证...
也就是说,任何一位经济担保人或者家庭成员(household member)的财产被写在I-864表格上,这些人都要承担起照料受益人的法律责任。 实时 2018年9月22日,国土安全部发布了酝酿已久的新提案的草案:若申请移民的外籍人士曾经使用过公共福利,或者美国政府判定其可能会成为公共负担,则可能拒绝其绿卡申请。关注金石的小伙伴...
27. Your household member's assets from Form I-864A. 其他家庭成员的财产。 28. Assets of the principal sponsored immigrant. 被担保人的财产。参见 26. 29. Total value of assets. 总和在此。 Part 8. Sponsor's Contract. 30. I, 在空白处写你的姓名正楷。 并在 31 项签名,署日。 .. . Par...
Additionally, the sponsor can use the assets of household members or the intending immigrant, provided these individuals submit Form I-864A (Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member) with the necessary documentation. The total value of the assets must be at least five times the difference ...
27.Yourhouseholdmember'sassetsfromFormI-864A. 其他家庭成员的财产。 28.Assetsoftheprincipalsponsoredimmigrant. 被担保人的财产。参见26. 29.Totalvalueofassets. 总和在此。 Part8.Sponsor'sContract. 30.I,在空白处写你的姓名正** 并在31项签名,署日。 Part9.InformationonPreparer,... 此表由人代填时...
27. Your household member's assets from Form I-864A.其他家庭成员的财产。28. 16、Assets of the principal sponsored immigrant.被担保人的财产。参见 26.29. Total value of assets.总和在此。Part 8. Sponsor's Contract.30. I, 在空白处写你的姓名正楷。并在 31 项签名,署日。Part 9. Information...
Modify Household Size:If you have any changes to the number of dependents or household members, you must update the household size on Form I-864. To calculate the necessary financial support, a precise estimation of household size is essential. To prevent issues, any changes in the makeup of...
I-864A Affidavit of Support Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member I-864EZ (Fillable) Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the Act I-864P Poverty Guidelines I-864 Package I-864, I-864A and I-865 I-864W Intending Immigrant's Affidavit of Support Exemption I-865 (Fillable)...