The Google map said it was deep in the woods. So I decided to load the coords in my GPS and read the description good and head out. As I walked around the gate I seen the mile marker 335 and knew it was near by. First place I looked I found this. EF0602 was pla...
South Carolina, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri, Kentucky and Illinois) crossed the Mississippi, Missouri and Arkansas Rivers, there were hundreds more, but those are the big ones, and we saw four mountain ranges, The Appalachia’s, The Smokies, The Shenandoah and the Ozarks.Public...
Before Setting Route (1) (2) (3) (6) (4) (11) (5) (12) (9) MAP SCROLL MAP (7) (8) (10) (1) Map Orientation control ( page 28) (2) GPS (Global Positioning System) marker ( page 57) (3) Clock Clock will be displayed when you set up Clock on Navigation Set ...
And yeah, mine may not be loved by a lot of people here in West Central Missouri, but yours isn't loved internationally like mine is. So we have our people and our audiences, and there's nothing wrong with either one. I say, love what you love how you love it, and if people ...