我们的老板曾经保证绝对不转让我们的公司,但是当别人肯出好价钱的时候,他就出卖了我们。 除了这个说法,出卖还可以说:sell (sb) out French farmers feel they've been sold out by their government in the negotiations. 法国农场主感到在谈判中他们被政府出卖了。 sell sb/yourself/sth short 小看;低估 Don't...
With my creative/design background, any hobby I get into I always end up deciding that I want to make something that is my own, so of course, I got the itch and decided to design board games... I'm currently working on two games. I started with a dungeon crawler that uses Yahtzee...
I used it as an emotional escape in combination of my hyperfocus to block out anything negative in my early life (and there was a lot of it to run away from). Now that I'm a fully-functioning adult, I realize that I can address bad stuff appropriately and...
Original Mosaic Peoples of the Eastern and Western Hemisphere at home and abroad and thereby to maintain the integrity and Sovereignty of Ethiopia, to disseminate the ancient Ethiopian, African, Afro-Indigenous, Original Mosaic Peoples culture among its members and throughout the Earth, to correct ab...
the employer knowthatyouarelooking forwardtoworking with them and will ensure you get off to a good start in the role. robertwalters.de robertwalters.de 让雇主了解您期盼进入其公司工作的积极情绪,并以良好的态度开始工作,是至关重要的。 robertwalters.cn ...
I love you." "I'll be working late tonight. Order pizza if you like. I love you." Countless notes and messages like these. She was working a lot, and I knew that it was her way of dealing with the pain of the divorce. What was my way of dealing with the pain? I didn't ...
" I tried to say something but I couldn't because I was crying. She took me to the bathroom, and washed my face. I calmed down a little. I said, "Zoe, my hair and my eyebrows aren't falling out. I'm pulling them out." "What? Dude, are you crazy? Are you telling me that...
should be carried out at the [...] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 咨询委员会认为,应该在本两年期结束时对业务连续性能力作出评价,还应提交一 份进展情况报告,说明取得了哪些成就以及如何将任务、职责和实施工 作列入现行组织管理结构。
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