I’m interested inyou have told me . A.whichB.all thatC.all whatD.that 试题答案 在线课程 B解析: 略 练习册系列答案 新课堂单元测试卷系列答案 钟书金牌一卷夺冠系列答案 冲刺100分1号卷系列答案 名师优选冲刺卷系列答案 创新学习同步解析与测评系列答案 ...
I am interested in UFOs, too. I’m crazy about making model planes, although I’m not very good at it because I don’t really have enough scientific knowledge. I’ll be learning more science in senior high school. In a word, sometime in the future I’m going to build an excellent...
B: I’ve got some chocolate in my bag.A: Oh, Sam, if you don’t eat properly, you’ll get sick.B: OK, I’ll eat an apple as well.A: 98 is not enough. It’s a long time until lunch.B: But Mum, I’m not hungry.A: It doesn’t matter. You must eat something. It’s...
3. Finally a few more pandemic, personal, RL related and time related issues: The lengthy development time made me lose connection to my fan-base (it simply took too long and we lost the momentum). Artists stopped answering, publishers stopped answering (or where simply not interested right ...