LikeI'mGonnaLoseYou,《Like I'm Gonna Lose You》是美国创作女歌手梅根·特瑞娜和美国新灵魂乐歌手约翰·传奇共同演唱的一首歌曲,由Justin Weaver、Caitlyn Smith和梅根·特瑞娜共同填词,Chris Gelbuda和梅根·特瑞娜联合制作。这首歌被收录在梅根·特瑞娜的首张正
lyrics: simple plan - when i' m gone i look around me but all i seem to see its people going nowhere expecting sympathy it' s like we' re going through the emotions of the scripted destiny tell me where' s our inspiration if life won' t wait i guess it' s up to me whoahh no...