I'm gonna be here, for a month, IMing and e-mailing, trying to raise serious coin for some causes I really care about. But I won't be the only person changing the world. You can too. Which begs the question: How can you change the world just by sending an IM or e-mail?" ...
But I'm gonna take this heartof stone 但我要得到你那颗冷酷的心 I just got to have it all 并为此奋不顾身 I've seen your face a hundred times 你的容颜,我见百遍 Everyday we've been apart 我们总是,天各一方 I don't care ab肥out the sunshine ...
Bu波肥以担初金耐般t I'm gonna take this heart of stone 但我要得到你那颗冷酷的心 I just got to have it all 并为此奋不顾身 I've seen your face a hundred times 你的容颜,我见南怀存板热万拉策血跳百遍 Everyday we've been apar孔观件云甲场华t ...