根据下列条件,回答 ~66 题: 男,21岁,患病1周,牙龈乳头坏死,前牙唇侧明显,坏死形成溃疡处凹陷,表面灰白色假膜,触之出血明显,口腔有腐性口臭。体温37.8℃,颏下淋巴结肿痛,既往未出现全身明显异常现象。 第题:有辅助诊断意义的检查是( )。
King, the family dog, was trying to pull her out of bed.Then she smelled smoke and heard the sound of fire from her parent's room. Pearl's screams awaked her mother, Fern and father, Howard, who had recently been in hospital for lung disease. Helping Howard to a first-floor window,...