Hysterectomy is the most common major surgical procedure (unrelated topregnancy) performed on women in the US. Because of the advancing development of less invasive treatment options, the incidence of hysterectomy has declined in recent years. When would it be necessary to have a hysterectomy? Hyste...
Hysterectomy side effects might include spottyvaginal bleedingfor up to 6 weeks after the surgery. You could also notice some irritation in the area of your cuts. If your ovaries were removed, you could have symptoms of menopause like:
Some types of hysterectomy will also trigger early menopause, which can have side effects such as mood swings and hot flashes. The procedure can cause some physical changes, too, including changes in how your bladder or bowels work. What does no one tell you about a hysterectomy? It’s not...