(1) 软件操作 选择“Analyze(分析)”—“Descriptive Statistics(描述统计)”—“P-P plots (P-P图)”,在“P-P plots (P-P图)”子对话框中将变量“年龄”和“D二聚体”选入“Variables(变量)”框,在“Test Distribution(分布检验)”中选择“Normal(正态性)”,点击OK(图13)。 图13 (2) 结果解读 由图...
操作步骤:选择“Analyze”->“Descriptive Statistics”->“P-P plots”,将变量选择并勾选“Test Distribution”为“Normal”。结果:年龄数据点接近直线,D-二聚体偏离。(二) K-S检验和S-W检验法K-S检验和S-W检验用于评估正态性。操作步骤:在“Analyze”->“Descriptive Statistics”->“Explore...
Hypothesis Test SummaryFigure 1. Hypothesis test summary By default, the procedure creates a model object in the output Viewer. Alternatively, you can generate pivot tables and charts by selecting Pivot tables and charts in the Output Display group on the Output tab of the Options dialog (Edit ...
柯尔莫戈洛夫-斯米诺夫检验(Kolmogorov-Smirnov test),简称K-S检验,一般适用于大样本。 1. 软件操作 语句如下,结果见图3。 library(nortest) lillie.test(data$Hb) 图3 2. 结果解读 从图3结果可知P=0.08416>0.05,可认为该组数据近似服从正态分布。 (二)S-W检验 S-W检验,即Shapiro-Wilk检验,适用于小样本。
and Sample Size 8.9 Additional Factors That Increase Power 8.10 SPSS in Focus: A Preview for Chapters 9 to 18 8.11 APA in Focus: Reporting the Test Statistic and Effect Size 2 P A R T I I I : P R O B A B I L I T Y A N D T H E F O U N D A T I O N S O F ...
或者,可以通过在 "选项" 对话框 (编辑> 选项) 的 "输出" 选项卡上的 "输出显示" 组中选择透视表和图表来生成透视表和图表。 此示例使用模型对象。 激活(双击)该对象,可获得模型的交互式视图。 缺省主视图是 "假设检验摘要" 视图。 摘要表指示购买的商品数和花费的总金额在主卡类型中都不同。
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook hypothesis testing Also found in:Thesaurus,Medical,Legal,Financial,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. n (Statistics)statisticsthe theory, methods, and practice of testing a hypothesis concerning the parameters of a population dist...
UsingChi-squareinSPSStocomparetwoproportions •Settingupthedatafile–copydatafromexcelandpasteitintoSPSSdatafile•PerformingtheChi-squaretest(nextslide)•InterpretingtheResults(separateslide)•ReportingtheResults(separateslide)PerformingtheChi-SquareTest 1.NamethevariablesusingthevariablestabintheSPSSdatawindow2...
This group gives you control over the sampling design degrees of freedom used to compute p values for all test statistics. If based on the sampling design, the value is the difference between the number of primary sampling units and the number of strata in the first stage of sampling. Altern...