这种基于 t 统计的假设检验,被称为单样本 t 检验/ One Sample t Test。 (来自清华大学王江典老师课件)考虑以下与参数 \sigma^2 有关的假设检验。其中 \sigma_0^2 与显著性水平 \alpha 为预先设定且已知。 D) H_0: \sigma^2=\sigma_0^2 \longleftrightarrow H_1: \sigma^2 \neq \sigma_0^2;...
t检验(t test):事先不知道总体方差,另外,如果总体不服从正态分布,那么样本量要大于等于30,如果总体服从正态分布,那么对样本量没有要求。 t检验分为单样本t检验,配对t检验和独立样本t检验。 单样本t检验(One Sample T-Test):用样本均值和总体均值进行比较,来检验样本与总体之间的差异性。 ( 是随机样本均值,μ...
t检验(t test):事先不知道总体方差,另外,如果总体不服从正态分布,那么样本量要大于等于30,如果总体服从正态分布,那么对样本量没有要求。 t检验分为单样本t检验,配对t检验和独立样本t检验。 单样本t检验(One Sample T-Test):用样本均值和总体均值进行比较,来检验样本与总体之间的差异性。 ( 是随机样本均值,μ...
When Would You Use a One Sample T Hypothesis Test? One sample T-Test is a type of parametric test because the assumption is samples are randomly distributed. It tests whether the sample mean is significantly different than a population mean when the standard deviation of the population is unkno...
1 One Sample t-test Hypothesis Testing: Unknown Parameters Requires t-test Comparison of One Sample Mean to a Specific Value AnthonyPlatykurtic Leptokurtic
Paired sample t-test(成对样本t检验)两样本问题,两总体均值相等 ANOVA/Analysis of Variance(方差分析...
内容提示: One-Sample Tests of HypothesisGOALSWhen you have completed this chapter, you will be able to:ONEDefine a hypothesis and hypothesis testing.TWODescribe the five step hypothesis testing procedure.THREEDistinguish between a one-tailed and a two-tailed test of hypothesis.FOURConduct a test ...
双尾检验(two-tailed test):如果备择假设没有特定的⽅向性,并含有符号“=”,这样的检验称为双尾检验。例如:零假设是测试版本的指标均值等于原始版本的指标均值,备择假设是测试版本的指标均值不等于原始版本的指标均值。单尾检验(one-tailed test):如果备择假设具有特定的⽅向性,并含有符号 “>” 或 ...
Teststatistic:Avalue,determinedfromsampleinformation,usedtodeterminewhetherornottorejectthenullhypothesis.Criticalvalue:Thedividingpointbetweentheregionwherethenullhypothesisisrejectedandtheregionwhereitisnotrejected.One-TailedTestsofSignificance Atestisone-tailedwhenthealternatehypothesis,H1,statesadirection,suchas:H1...
Location tests, such asz-test and one-samplet-test, test whether sample data comes from a population with a particular mean or median. Test two or more sets of sample data for the same location value using a two-samplet-test or multiple comparison test. ...