Recently, sex differences in the structures of the human hypothalamus and adjacent brain structures have been observed that seem to be related to gender, to gender problems such as transsexuality, and to sexual orientation, that is, heterosexuality and homosexuality. Although these observations have ye...
Suchobservationshave ledtocertainpartsofthehypothalamusbeinglabeledas"satiety"or"feeding" centers. 这样的实验结果,也给下视丘当中某些区域贴上「饱食」或「进食」中枢的名称。 6. By being exposedtoasmellall day longit'strickingthehypothalamus. ...
(third interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus). INAH-3 contains about twice as many neurons in men as in women and is located within a region of the brain implicated in the control of male sexual behavior in virtually all vertebrates. On the basis of cytoarchitectonic criteria, By...
Limited cytoarchitectonic studies of the developing human brain have been carried out but they were not concerned with the dynamics of fetal nuclear differentiation. Human fetal material has at times been considered cursorily in studies focusing either on the adult brain and early embryonic brain ...
( Recently, BICCN released an integrated single-cell reference for the primary motor cortex across different data modalities and species, underscoring the power that the analysis of systematically collected data on brain cell types and their connections can provide8. The ...
Results on the anatomy of ventromedial hypothalamic outputs, together with the temporal aspects of electrophysiological studies, predict that for reproductive behavior control sex steroids alter hypothalamic protein synthesis and transport of proteins to the dorsal midbrain. We have studied labeled proteins ...
5. Double-labeling for VP and VP mRNA in single cells from the brain of a 14-yr-old individual. Bright field ( a )and dark field ( h )images show silver grains on cells immunoreactive for VP-NP 11. Double-labeled cells (arrows) and strongly immunoreactive cells with no detectable VP ...
Regional localization of agmatine in the rat brain: an immunocytochemical study neurons were labeled predominantly in the preoptic area, amygdala, septum, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, midline thalamus, and the hypothalamus. Ultra... K Otake,DA Ruggiero,S Regunathan,... - 《Brain Research...
On the other hand, the male brain has P-450 (M 3) but not P-450 (F 1), as liver- and brain-derived microsomes produced single band at 49 kD, which represents a mol. wt. identical to that of P-450 (M 3) extracted from male rat liver. These results indicate that P-450 (F ...
These neurons measured approximately 9 μm and were distributed over a rostro-caudal distance of 900 μm. There were a total of 708 cells. No labeled cells were seen in this hypothalamic group in normal, colchicine- or pargyline-pretreated rats....