Zombies是hypixel抄袭COD产生的PVE游戏。核心是四人玩家小队在地图上不断产生的僵尸浪潮中生存下来。Zombies NPC 如图所示。右键NPC 后会发现有两张地图,两类模式和三种难度。Story Mode故事模式:玩家团队需要在地图上生存30回合来赢得游戏。Endless Mode 无尽模式:玩家的目标是生存尽可能多的回合。最高可达150回合。
僵尸末日 Zombies Dead End: /play arcade_zombies_dead_end 僵尸末日Zombies Bad Blood: /play arcade_zombies_bad_blood 僵尸末日Zombies Alien Arcadium: /play arcade_zombies_alien_arcadium 道具躲猫猫 Hide and Seek Prot Hunt: /play arcade_hide_and_seek_prop_hunt 派对躲猫猫(NPC) Hide and Seek Party...
1.Zombies概览:Zombies中文翻译为僵尸末日,目前处于街机游戏大厅最中间的位置,日常游戏人数多于大部分游戏游戏核心是四人小队在地图上不断产生的僵尸浪潮中存活下来。点击NPC后有三个头可供选择,分别代表了三个不同的地图前两者分别是总共30回合的 穷途末路(Dead End)和坏(guo)血(qi)之宫(Bad Blood)第三者是新出...
僵尸末日速通英文翻译Zombies Speedrun(sr)是国际服早期僵尸玩家开拓出来的一个hypixel中特有的speedrun领域简单说是由某个固定战术,以更快速度为目标,四人组队(也有2,1人的速通挑战)打僵尸,基本上战术难度和整局减少的时间成正相关关系 来自Android客户端2楼2019-04-07 01:52 回复 阳...
/play arcade_zombies_dead_end僵尸末日 /play arcade_zombies_bad_blood 僵尸末日 /play arcade_zombies_alien_arcadium 僵尸末日 /play arcade_hide_and_seek_prop_hunt 躲猫猫(疑似是NPC模式) /play arcade_hide_and_seek_party_pooper 派对躲猫猫
Farm Hunt is an Arcade game in which 16 players are chosen as animals and must disguise themselves as other animals while hiding from the hunters. After 30 seconds, the 8 players chosen as hunters spawn in the game and must seek out player animals before
Wool Wars is a competitive Wool Game where two teams of four battle to take control of the center and kill their enemies. It is based off of or takes inspiration from Battle Box, a minigame from the Minecraft Championships events. The game was released t
Pets are summonable companions that grant bonus Stats and/or one or more passive beneficial effects. Pets can be leveled up, increasing the effectiveness of their stats and benefits. Players can have only one pet active at any time and will receive only
1. Zombies概览2. 基本操作3. 基础物品 2.1. 枪和其他武器 2.2. 护甲 2.3. 场地性perks4. Power switch和 Player Perks5. 地图概览 5.1. Dead End 5.2 Bad Blood6. 僵尸种类,特殊僵尸的应对策略7. 针对地图的中后期特殊策略8. 特殊地点Camping9. 其他策略10. 彩蛋等TBC 回复 举报|3楼2018-02-11 02:...
论僵尸末日速通..僵尸末日速通英文翻译Zombies Speedrun(sr)是国际服早期僵尸玩家开拓出来的一个hypixel中特有的speedrun领域简单说是由某个固定战术,以更快速度为目标,四人组队(也有2,1人