Skyblock 0.19 裂隙更新(峡谷更新/巫师塔更新)的主要内容。Rift是另一个维度,整个地图大致是hub的镜像(见下图)。Rift更新的噱头之一是让玩家获得“游戏内最强项链”(Rift necklace)。本次更新新增了大量skyblock经验、许多新护符、吸血鬼猎手、吸血鬼小人、收集、宠物等。●如何进入rift战斗等级到达12即可进入,入口是...
可以继续升级你的核心护符 可以用下个区域的物品合成萝卜 收集3千个可以增加萝卜的时运 可以合成t2 裤子 这里的任务只有一个 找到农舍里的牛牛君 他会给你一把‘农业魔杖’ 此魔杖可以用来收割作物 他会需要你给他压缩过的作物,每种2个压缩的 作物如下 蘑菇 拿着农业魔杖指着就会冒出粒子,4秒后会变成红蘑菇,变...
除非hypixel突然上线测试服的改动那就去挖pure ore skill avg 8 --- 开黑曜石箱子 这个记得多攒点钱,因为黑曜石箱子一般可能很贵,和另外一个f1任务一起做 140str 神药+任意末地装备和void剑 47.5k骨头 这个还是得挂小人,虽说可以去刷gravel skeleton(这些骷髅不捡骨头会重新刷新,聚起来刷很快,但是如果有人开...
SkyBlock Prototype Dec 18, 20190.7.5 AddedSherry. Apr 21, 20210.11.4AddedWinter Sackto shop. Hidev·d·eEvents ShowNew Year Celebration ShowTraveling Zoo ShowSpooky Festival HideSeason of Jerry Winter Island Jerry's Workshop Defend Jerry's Workshop ...
SkyBlock Prototype Aug 2, 20190.7 Added Ender Armor. Dec 18, 20190.7.5 Sell price increased to 10,000 coins, from 1,000 coins. Ender Armor completely removed from Ender Chest Zealot loot table. Lvl 42 Endermen now have a 1/1000 chance to drop Ender Armor (from 0). Lvl 45 Endermen ...
Taunahi - Next Generation Skyblock Scripts Stop overpaying for bad scripts - get Taunahi. GUI Showcase 🌾 Farming All the fully automatic scripts that will level up your farming skill and earn you coins. Supports a high amount of both basic and advanced farm designs. 🌱 Wart & Crops Re...
带着rare bee使用rookie hoe通过swap lobby在hub完成95k小麦收集 记得穿一套farm suit还有给bee上一个farming exp boost(钱可以通过升级附魔等级获得)。同时可完成T11 minion(小麦)任务。 前往沙漠岛 挖蘑菇制作蘑菇套(晚上三倍属性) 找人喷瓶子附魔 制作附魔桌完成桌子任务。 在hub进行T1和T2的僵尸任务 造出回血...
Rekindled Ember Armor is an EPIC Armor set. This Armor set can be paired with a LEGENDARY Magma Cube Pet to buff the Armor's Stats by up to 50% at Level 100. (The Armor Upgrades will be buffed too). This armor is a reference to the Ember Armor , crafted
[NPC] Frosty: Here the Jerrys make and deliver Gifts to all of SkyBlock! [NPC] Frosty: When its time to deliver Gifts, Mount Jerry always erupts and the village is ravaged by heat-based enemies! [NPC] Frosty: It is up to you, [player], to help save the day. Take this Snow Cann...
继续刷小麦 直到造出全套farm suit 和farming talisman 卖掉所有小麦但是留下种子(可以造个箱子存到私人岛上) 去maxwell把你的mp转到warrior(前期最好的) 用经验搞一把效率金铲子 去蘑菇岛刷沙子 直到mining 12 造把金镐然后挖煤 进入gold mine 和lazy miner对话拿他的镐子,用他的镐子自动熔炼刷铁和金直到进入...