首先是挖矿相关的改动 穿山甲宠物有可能开出粉的,但是估计是bug,因为和橙没有任何区别而且会直接卡崩服务器 现在似乎已经不可能开出来了 但是穿山甲挖矿g了,现在能量上线是300但是消耗计算从移动距离改成每挖一个方块消耗1 水晶...
在深层矿洞钻石层挖钻石有几率掉落,有个点位没有怪,坐电梯下去后直接往左边跑,到钻石和黑曜石层之间的地方不会刷怪,可以刷钻石 把七个收集刷到7 不用刷,你做完所有任务就肯定完成了,末地石 黑曜石 蘑菇 土豆 橡木 沙 小麦 3残暴值 这个简单,吃蛋糕然后打dirty前缀(铁匠后面npc售卖,100k) 或者jerry盒子开...
SkyStats is a tool designed to help you with everything in Hypixel Skyblock from your iOS device. From profiles, to auctions, and bazaar! Version History 28 Apr 2023 Version 2.3.2 Hey Skyblockers! - Sorry for the long wait between updates ...
Describe the bug So i wanted to play hypixel skyblock and i have added some mods but it doesn't run the minecraft and it stucks on the launching session The log file and images/videos latest.log Steps To Reproduce 1. Start the pojav 2. A...
Sick of going to the old Hypixel SkyBlock wiki, such as .wikia or .fandom? This will redirect you when you go to these links to the new website!Source code: ⇩Download Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki Redirector ...
The Hypixel server ensures an improved gameplay encounter and stands out as one of the most extensive Minecraft Server Networks, attracting millions of players simultaneously each day. Within the Hypixel Minecraft server, players can enjoy entertaining and unique games like SkyBlock, SkyWars, and Bed ...
@EventHandler public void onXpGain(SkyblockXpEvent event){ String name = event.getSkyblockPlayer().getPlayer().getName(); System.out.println(name + " gained " + event.getXp()); }Particle Helpers: Enhance visual elements with particle effects.Player ...
The Jerry Pet is a craftable Combat Pet. This pet is intended as a joke, as it does not actually give any useful perks. Crafting requires 8x Move Jerry and an Enchanted Egg or Super Enchanted Egg. It gives -1 ✎ Intelligence for every level. Despit
The Voidedge Katana is a RARE Sword meant to be used against Voidgloom Seraphim. It is an upgraded version of the Voidwalker Katana. It requires Enderman Slayer LVL III to use. When the ability is used, its user gains +200 ⫽ Ferocity against Endermen
SkyStats is a tool designed to help you with everything in Hypixel Skyblock from your iOS device. From profiles, to auctions, and bazaar! What’s New Version History 28 Apr 2023 Version 2.3.2 Hey Skyblockers! - Sorry for the long wait between updates ...