iceeeee_ HPBT+ 10 一、概述●什么是Rift Dimension(裂隙维度)Skyblock 0.19 裂隙更新(峡谷更新/巫师塔更新)的主要内容。Rift是另一个维度,整个地图大致是hub的镜像(见下图)。Rift更新的噱头之一是让玩家获得“游戏内最强项链”(Rift necklace)。本次更新新增了大量skyblock经验、许多新护符、吸血鬼猎手、吸血鬼小...
7416 1 10:05 App 目前最好用的Skyblock插件mod!【1.8.9Forge】 1023 -- 15:07 App Hypixel SkyBlock 硬核生存 [59] ThirtyVirus又来建起床战争地图了…… 604 -- 15:07 App Hypixel SkyBlock Hardcore [64] 最tm烦的东西 内打开信息网络传播视听节目许可证:0910417 网络文化经营许可证 沪网文【2019】380...
Hypixel Skyblock Texture Pack 1.8.9 Read More Minecraft PvP Texture Packs Bedless Noob Texture Pack Elite 1.8.9 Read More Bedless Noob Texture Pack 200k 1.8.9 Read More Minecraft PvP Texture Packs Bedless Noob Texture Pack 350k 1.8.9
The skyblockVersion property determines whether the bot should send a message when the Skyblock version changes.CommandsThe commands object contains the settings related to the bot's commands.The normal property determines whether the normal commands are enabled or not. If it's set to true, the ...
Maxwell is an NPC located in the ⏣ Thaumaturgist. He allows players to change the Accessory Powers on their Accessories.
Enchanting is a vanilla mechanic that is expanded and implemented in SkyBlock. Enchanting improves gear (Armor, Pickaxes, Drills, Hoes, Shears, Swords, Axes, Fishing Rods, Shovels and Bows) to make them stronger than they already are and improve them wi
The skyblockVersion property determines whether the bot should send a message when the Skyblock version changes.CommandsThe commands object contains the settings related to the bot's commands.The normal property determines whether the normal commands are enabled or not. If it's set to true, the ...
Mod designed for Hypixel Skyblock that shows vanilla hearts in Stillgore Chateau and certain Mountaintop areas. Useful for vampire slayer. Also includes the option to completely disable/enable hearts everywhere.CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download ...
Minecraft Hypixel Skyblock 地牢相关 · 19篇 So you made it all the way here...所以说,你们还是走到了这里...and you wish to defy me? Sadan?!还妄图击败我?Sadan?!The audacity! I have been the ruler of these floors for a hundred years!真是大胆!我已经统领这些楼层一百多年了!I am the ...
如何评价hypixel skyblock? Jdegoederen 学生 不建议入坑 1.前中期如果没有大佬带,过渡时间会很长 2,在这个游戏想练技能等级,或者赚钱,都非常非常肝 3,即使是你有时间,有兴趣,也不一定能找到赚钱方…阅读全文 赞同11 条评论 分享收藏喜欢 如何评价hypixel skyblock? Sunshine142857 这...