宠物物品 Lucky Clover Core, EXP Share Core, Tier Boost Core, Chyme, Simple Carrot Candy, Great Carrot Candy, Superb Carrot Candy, Ultimate Carrot Candy, Radioactive Vial, Enderman Cortex Rewriter, Jerry 3D Glasses, Vampire Fang 地牢物品 Kismet Feather, Dungeon Chest Key, Superboom TNT, Trap,...
Bingo Pet - Currently only upgradable to MYTHIC using a Tier Boost. This adds a 6th ability, Power Of Completion. This ability grants +2 ❁ Strength, +1 ☣ Crit Chance, and +5 Health per Personal Goal completed in the current Bingo Event. Black Cat Pet - Using the Black Woolen...
由于此宠物稀有度高,出售此宠物会获得极高的利润。史诗末影龙宠物售价超过1.5亿金币,而传奇末影龙宠物售价超过4.5亿金币(装备了Tier Boost的史诗末影龙宠物除外)。 Kat照顾费用 Kat可以升级该宠物除传奇外的所有稀有度,这需要花费不同的金钱,有时还需要花费资源。宠物每升一级,都会有0.3%的折扣。例如,在50级的时候,...
○CC应该至少 Fiery Tier 和高等级词条 -Terror(Burning Tier +)√(Attribute: Dominance) 除了CC之外,Stun 阶段前每个人都应该穿3/4 Aurora和Spirit Mask(如果能保证不死,穿Wither Goggles),这样你可以帮助杀死一些生物,并且在获得物资 / 燃料电池时你有更多的生存能力 Stunner: -Drill/Gemstone Gauntlet带有高挖...
389 2 3:40 App 国人千万不要靠近Hypixel Dropper 会变得不幸 64 -- 3:55 App 我终于把Summer Event肝完了!!! 427 -- 0:20 App 【Skyblock】求大佬买我的tier boost core qwq(已卖出) 183 -- 19:47 App Hypixel新梦幻模式-Underworld体验 刷老外人头 5853 1 4:39 App 【教程】在手机上玩java...
Enchanting is a vanilla mechanic that is expanded and implemented in SkyBlock. Enchanting improves gear (Armor, Pickaxes, Drills, Hoes, Shears, Swords, Axes, Fishing Rods, Shovels and Bows) to make them stronger than they already are and improve them wi
Tier 1 - 解锁 1 个Token of the Mountain(技能点) Tier 2 - 解锁 2 个Token of the Mountain - 解锁熔炉 (熔炉初始有2个锻造位置) - 解锁熔炉配方: ·Refined Diamond精炼钻石 ·Refined Mithril精炼秘银 ·Refined Titanium精炼钛 ·Fuel Tank燃料箱 ...
[NPC] Frosty: Here the Jerrys make and deliver Gifts to all of SkyBlock! [NPC] Frosty: When its time to deliver Gifts, Mount Jerry always erupts and the village is ravaged by heat-based enemies! [NPC] Frosty: It is up to you, [player], to help save the day. Take this Snow Cann...
Kat在Skyblock Hub的34,71,-100。 3.如何获得宠物: 我这里按获得方式将宠物分为三种:配方解锁类,怪物掉落类,活动获得类,其中,前面二者的稀有度完全看脸,配方解锁类的稀有度则和材料有关:Enchanted Egg 附魔蛋(Raw Chicken V解锁) 能出普通,精良,稀有宠物 ...
Minecraft Hypixel Skyblock 基础与进阶 · 41篇 注意:此文撰写于0.11.5版本。部分资料来源于Fandom Wiki 本篇主要面对新人、英语不佳者而作。 官方汉化组目前没有推出相关译名,部分译名为UP自翻。 可能与后期汉化实装后有差异,望谅解。 宠物获取 目前,宠物可通过以下途径获取: ...