Cactus Armor 仙人掌护甲 总防御 +65 总生命 +35 套装效果:Deflect 反弹 将所受伤害的33%反弹回攻击你的敌人。 获取途径:自行制作。 材料: 24个仙人掌 需要完成收集仙人掌II解锁配方。 Leaflet Armor 树叶护甲 总生命 +100 套装效果:Energy of the forest 森林之力 在树林中每秒恢复5点生命。 获取途径:自行...
Primal Dragon Armor is a LEGENDARY Armor set. Combat XXVI (26) is required to be able to use this set and, if the item is dungeonised, Catacombs XVI (16) is required to be able to use this set while in Dungeons. Primal Dragon Armor pieces can be droppe
2.击败Young龙时,无眼且最终伤害排名第一,有概率掉落。 3.击杀地牢内Superior LA有概率掉落。 所需采矿等级:20 Dragon Horn 巨龙之角 前缀名称:Renowned 至高的 洗练类型:护甲(史诗、传奇、神话) 效果: 和Spiked基础属性一致。 +3%攻速 +8智力 +1%速度 +6生命 +6防御 +8力量 +8%暴伤 +8%暴击(史诗)...
空岛生存(SkyBlock)是 Hypixel 的一款測試版遊戲。 第一次進入遊戲時,你會先到自己的私人島嶼(Private Island)。你可以像原版 SkyBlock 一樣在島內生存,或建造一座橋前往對面的島嶼。島嶼上有一個等級 I 的鵝卵石小幫手、嚮導 Jerry 和前往大廳島嶼(Hub Island)的傳
Spawns wearing either Holy, Unstable, Young, or in very rare cases, Superior Dragon Armor. They each have the abilities of their respective Dragon Armor and wield an Aspect of the Dragons, which they can use the ability to knock players away. They can shoot a player from far away if they...
② Bling Armor 闪耀盔甲 强化40%烈焰人系列护甲的属性。 ③ Fusion-Style Potato 土豆融合(传奇限定) 使热土豆书带来的属性加成翻两倍。 升级所需: 史诗→传奇:250k硬币+64根附魔烈焰棒,时长12天 Ender Dragon 末影龙 来源: 击败末影龙且龙之权重达到450后,有极低概率获得。
Super Heavy Armor EPIC LEGENDARY Dungeon Armor Super Tank Zombies The Catacombs - Floor IV As it is aDungeonsitem, its stats receive a percentage buff based on one'sDungeoneeringskill level while in Dungeons, with an additional10%stat buff for everyStarit has. ...
Aspect of the Dragon: Requires Combat Lvl 18 Ember Rod: Requires Combat Lvl 8 Ember Armor: Requires Combat Lvl 8 End Armor: Requires Combat Lvl 12 Young/Old/Strong/Unstable/Protector/Wise/Holy Armors: Requires Combat Lvl 16 Superior Armor: Requires Combat Lvl 20 ...
The Perfect Armor set can be upgraded into one of the best armor sets in SkyBlock. In order to do so, one will need craft the full set and upgrade each piece to T13, Recombobulate each piece, apply the Giant reforge to all of the pieces, apply level 6-7 Enchantments to them, and ...
② Bling Armor 闪耀盔甲 强化40%烈焰人系列护甲的属性。 ③ Fusion-Style Potato 土豆融合(传奇限定) 使热土豆书带来的属性加成翻两倍。 升级所需: 史诗→传奇:250k硬币+64根附魔烈焰棒,时长12天 Ender Dragon 末影龙 来源: 击败末影龙且龙之权重达到450后,有极低概率获得。