mushroom armor蘑菇套(推荐)获得方式:24个蘑菇合成晚上3倍生命值,效果强劲南瓜套,仙人掌套,树叶套,农民盔甲:不建议做前-中期过渡hardened diamond硬化钻石套(推荐)获得方式:3840个钻石合成防御极高golem armor戈仑套获得方式:38400个铁锭合成中期magma armor熔岩套(推荐)获得方式:46080个岩浆膏合成提供大量魔法值和生命...
Mushroom Armor is a COMMON Armor set that can be crafted at Mushroom III ( 250x Mushrooms collected). To craft a full set of Mushroom Armor you will need 24x Red Mushroom. At night (with only base stats), this armor set gives 165 Health and 45 ❈
Mushroom Guy Nene Phaser Plumber Joe Porhtal Ramero Reed Ribbit Rock Roger Roy Seskel Seymour Shania Sheep Shifted Sick Farmer Skylark Soma Sorcerer Okron Stain Taylor Tel Kar Tybalt Unbound Explorer Unhinged Kloon Violetta Vreike Wizard
Down in the Glowing Mushroom Cave, there was a weird looking mushroom, check it out.181, 46, -452 There's some old stone structures in the Mushroom Gorge, give it a look.225, 54, -501 Theres this guy who collects animals to experiment on, I think I saw something near his ...
SkyBlock (or Hypixel SkyBlock) is a Prototype Lobby game on the Hypixel Network. It was released to the Prototype Lobby on June 11, 2019, for players with donator ranks.[1] It was later released for all users on June 13, 2019.[2] It currently has three m
【skyblock】..这个贴子是有关skyblock护符,附魔和药水的贴子。资料都来源于skyblock wiki和我自己从游戏中实验探索所得。以下的内容可能会有错误或缺失,我也很欢迎各位吧友可以指正,希望可以互相讨论游戏
Mushroom Guy Nene Phaser Plumber Joe Porhtal Ramero Reed Ribbit Rock Roger Roy Seskel Seymour Shania Sheep Shifted Sick Farmer Skylark Soma Sorcerer Okron Stain Taylor Tel Kar Tybalt Unbound Explorer Unhinged Kloon Violetta Vreike Wizard
Nall is an NPC in the ⏣ Dragontail brewery that talks to Kutral about new Abiphones. By standing at -655, 107, -741, the player can overhear Nall and Kutral's conversation, which includes a 4-digit code. The code can be entered at the Keypad lo
使用/warp <位置>指令传送到其地点(使用SkyblockAddons等模组会有传送地图,十分便捷) /warp home /is(自己岛上) /hub(大厅) /warp dhub(地牢大厅)只需去一次即可解锁该位置的传送卷轴 正文 私人岛屿 Private Island 梦,开始的地方。 这里一开始仅有2个岛屿,你需要拿一些方块连接两座岛屿(不要用下半砖,会吞...