1.种地 在skyblock等级5后回岛,会刷一个npc与之对话会来到Garden,游戏内有及其详尽的引导,我先不讲(因为农是真的枯燥) 这种方法胜在稳定但赚的不多 2.刷怪 可以根据bz上掉落物售价来考虑刷什么 推荐:ZealotSummoning Eye+Pearl龙巢 Treasure HoaderStarfall矮人矿井-115 197 -38附近在Upper mine区域 Deep Car...
Skyblock中的常见简称:cc暴击率cd暴击伤害dam/dmg武器面板伤害str力量int智力(与mana,也就是法力值挂钩)as/atk攻速hp血量ehp有效血量(即为算上防御后的血量)def防御tdef真实防御(防真伤的)mf魔力赏(关系到怪物的RNG掉落)蓝 法力值绿球:Radiant Power Orb蓝球:Mana Flux Power Orb红球:Overflux Power Orb紫球:...
Minion Chair- Purely cosmetic. Counts as a furniture item. Minion placed on it will not work, but will also not count towards the minion total. Cannot place a minion skin on minions sitting in the chair. 小幫手椅子 - 可以將小幫手放置於上面作為裝飾,純裝飾用。放在椅子上的小幫手不能改變外觀。
Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki is a community-made wiki about Hypixel's gamemode, SkyBlock. Anyone can contribute! Discover, share, and add your knowledge!
Minions One of the most popular resource-generating ventures in Hypixel Skyblock is minions. Minions are NPCs that you create that passively generate resources even when you are offline. They require very little upkeep and supervision as they will keep gathering resources as long as they have a ...