猴宝一个针对不和谐的机器人,其中有一些对hypixel skyblock有用的东西有关项目的信息该机器人由Void Moment#8152 (又名Maxuss)开发,我正在为Hypixel Guild的Discord服务器开发该机器人-> Macaques如果您愿意捐款,请捐款给我的patreon,我有很多: 别忘了有时检查一下up
In Hypixel Skyblock, leveling pets enhances their stats and passive effects. Benefits include boosted base stats and magic find, with extra magic find every 10 levels. The Taming Skill, earned by leveling pets, offers additional pet XP and pet luck. Only the active pet's bonuses apply, while...
EZ/EZPZ - Easy(可能是嘲讽之意,在hypixel里禁用,但可以e z) GG - Good game Skyblock里一般用于别人出货或是打完boss lol/lmao - Laughing out loud/laugh my *** off 一般指大笑 nvm - Never mind 不要在意 sry - 全称Sorry u - You ur monkey,"ur"- You are its ur sword,"ur" - Your cp ...
宠物的经验获取与你的技能经验获取同步,对应的技能会获得100%的经验,不对应的只会获得25%,比如:我带着jerry去挖了5个黑曜石,我获得了100 Mining经验,但jerry只获得了25,因为他是“combat pet”,所以说,如果我去钻石层砍了五只怪,我获得了100 Combat经验,而jerry也获得了100经验。
The Jerry Pet is a craftable Combat Pet. This pet is intended as a joke, as it does not actually give any useful perks. Crafting requires 8x Move Jerry and an Enchanted Egg or Super Enchanted Egg. It gives -1 ✎ Intelligence for every level. Despit
Skyblock XP Messages Commands commandoptioncomment /skyblocker opens info screen /skyblocker config open config menu (modMenu not needed) /skyblocker options open config menu (modMenu not needed) /skyblocker hud dwarven / dungeonmap / titleContainer move dwarven, dungeonmap or titleContainer /sky...
We're tracking over 600 million auctions. We've saved more than 350 million bazaar prices in intervals of 10 seconds. Furthermore, there are over three million skyblock players that you can search by their Minecraft usernames. You can browse through the auctions they made over the past two ...
Pet level Potion level Prehistoric egg blocks walked Rancher's boots speed cap Skill level Skyblock level Essence Shop Your Essence Power Stone Guide Stats Tuning Drill Fuel and Pickonimbus 2000 in Item Durability Bar Hotbar Slot Lock Keybind: Select the hotbar slot you want to lock/unlock an...
Monkey 猴子 来源: 动物园活动购买。 普通:10k硬币+1组金合欢木。 精良:25k硬币+1个附魔金合欢木。 稀有:100k硬币+16个附魔金合欢木。 史诗:5m硬币+4组附魔金合欢木。 传奇:18m硬币+8组附魔金合欢木。 类型: 林业 属性: +20 速度 +50 智力 宠物技能: ①Treeborn 树木专精 增加40%伐木幸运。(普通) 增...
Kat在Skyblock Hub的34,71,-100。 3.如何获得宠物: 我这里按获得方式将宠物分为三种:配方解锁类,怪物掉落类,活动获得类,其中,前面二者的稀有度完全看脸,配方解锁类的稀有度则和材料有关:Enchanted Egg 附魔蛋(Raw Chicken V解锁) 能出普通,精良,稀有宠物 ...