Mining Madness -提升 50 挖矿速度 和 50 挖矿时运。 Sky Mall -每个 Skyblock 日,随机获得下列其中一个增益 Buff: ·提升 100 挖矿速度 ·提升 50 挖矿时运 ·挖矿时获得额外 15% 粉尘 ·减少主动技能 20% 冷却 ·增加 10 倍概率挖矿时挖到金哥布林 ...
而在Skyblock,原版药水得到增强,同时大量新药水以及新底料的出现,让战斗变得更加多样。 本篇主要面对新人、英语不佳者以及对酿造一窍不通者而作。 首先,从原版生存的基础酿造讲起。 除了虚弱药水,其他药水均由Awkward Potion 粗制的药水为底料酿造而成,再通过添加各类改性剂,如变化剂(如金胡萝卜、烈焰粉等)、延...
SkyBlock Prototype Apr 9, 20240.20AddedCold Resistance Potion. Hidev·d·ePotions Absorption Adrenaline Agility Archery Blindness Burning Coldfusion Critical Damage Dodge Experience Fire Resistance Haste Healing Invisibility Jump Boost King's Scent
Potion level Prehistoric egg blocks walked Rancher's boots speed cap Skill level Skyblock level Essence Shop Your Essence Power Stone Guide Stats Tuning Collection Community Shop Bazaar Drill Fuel and Pickonimbus 2000 in Item Durability Bar
Mining Pets Show/Hide Armadillo +2 ❈ Def Ridable - Right-click your summoned pet to ride it! Mount Tunneller - The Armadillo breaks all stone or ore in its path while you are riding it in the Crystal Hollows. Earth Surfer - The Armadillo moves faster based on your Speed. ...
Potion level Prehistoric egg blocks walked Rancher's boots speed cap Skill level Skyblock level Essence Shop Your Essence Power Stone Guide Stats Tuning Collection Community Shop Bazaar Drill Fuel and Pickonimbus 2000 in Item Durability Bar
去蘑菇岛刷沙子 直到mining 12 造把金镐然后挖煤 进入gold mine 和lazy miner对话拿他的镐子,用他的镐子自动熔炼刷铁和金直到进入deep caven, 用金斧头砍树然后用木头换煤炭,然后合成10个附魔煤炭,和建筑npc楼下的npc对话然后买4个附魔红石,然后手挖6个附魔红石和10个附魔青金石就能进dm了 ...
找人带slayer完成slayer4级任务 完成17个护符的任务 具体如下 1.farming talisman(小麦收集4) 2.speed talisman(甘蔗收集2) 3.potion affinity talisman(地狱疣收集3) 4.talisman of coins(绿宝石收集2) 5.magnetic talisman(绿宝石收集3) 6.gravity talisman(黑曜石收集3) ...
Red Thornleaf Tea is a RARE Brew. The player can purchase a Red Thornleaf Tea for 20,000 coins and 50x Red Thornleaves from Grog. Red Thornleaf Tea can be used with a Resistance Potion so that upon being hit, it reflects 5% of the damage back at the att
17个护符 从以下挑17个 farming, speed potion affinity coins magnetic gravity nightvision charm wood affinity emerald ring 商店能买的全套6个 篝火3个跑酷护符 指南针护符 真爱戒指 diamond spreading 还是在老地方刷钻石 7万白桦木 草泥马, 手挖+小人,一定要全程蹭神药 如果实在找不到人少的大厅就挂小人然后...