大家好呀!今天的更新包含了很多东西,包括(但不限于) 等待已久的花园生长速度更新 花园预设改动 集市扩展 奖杯鱼保底机制 新的储物袋和翻新的旧储物袋 冬日岛屿平衡和其他改动 搁浅...
召唤arachne 击杀固定刷新点位的守卫者,4个碎片召唤 puzzler的任务使用mod直接过,在矮人皇宫左边 25小人几个简单的就行了 aote,这个一定要每天去酿药师买烈焰粉,或者去刷bal的小怪掉 背包挂个牛小人就行了 绿宝石戒指还是老地方 哥布林,去刷哥布林出哥布林蛋然后祈祷出金哥布林 200k胡萝卜,开花园刷就行了 击杀tr...
Enchanting is a vanilla mechanic that is expanded and implemented in SkyBlock. Enchanting improves gear (Armor, Pickaxes, Drills, Hoes, Shears, Swords, Axes, Fishing Rods, Shovels and Bows) to make them stronger than they already are and improve them wi
In Hypixel Skyblock, the most uncommon way to spawn a Golden Goblin is through mining Hardstone. This method has a base chance of just 0.01%. However, the probability can be enhanced with Luck of the Cave or Sky Mall. Other spawning methods include throwing Goblin Eggs or mining specific ...
增加找到稀有哥布林蛋的概率 反向yeti,把防御换力量 加强ll和ls 每5次攻击会造成你最近的最高伤害50% 企鹅 抓到海怪减少code 减少不露天钓鱼的钓鱼速度削弱 在矿洞里增加钓鱼速度 (区域内暂无新海怪) 在洞内被攻击的时候不会再加寒冷值了 每100mining fortune 给0.5 magic find,矿井里双倍 ...
Diamond Essence can be used to unlock and upgrade perks at Gemma. It can also be used to purchase Perfectly Cut Diamond for 1,000x Diamond Essence and 2x Refined Diamond.
SkyBlock Prototype Apr 9, 20240.20AddedCold Resistance Potion. Hidev·d·ePotions Absorption Adrenaline Agility Archery Blindness Burning Coldfusion Critical Damage Dodge Experience Fire Resistance Haste Healing Invisibility Jump Boost King's Scent
Flamebreaker Armor is an EPIC Armor set used for Mining. It is unlocked at Hard Stone V and can be upgraded into Yog Armor. The full set requires 480x Enchanted Hard Stone ( 276,480x Hard Stone). Previously, the Ember Ash Armor was called Flamebreake
去蘑菇岛刷沙子 直到mining 12 造把金镐然后挖煤 进入gold mine 和lazy miner对话拿他的镐子,用他的镐子自动熔炼刷铁和金直到进入deep caven, 用金斧头砍树然后用木头换煤炭,然后合成10个附魔煤炭,和建筑npc楼下的npc对话然后买4个附魔红石,然后手挖6个附魔红石和10个附魔青金石就能进dm了 ... 大家好呀!今天的更新包含了很多东西,包括(但不限于) 等待已久的花园生长速度更新 花园预设改动 集市扩展 奖杯鱼保底机制 ...