每天记得在hub的矿工npc还有gold mine的iron merchant买完他们的铁,然后用铁小人挂,,需要auto smelter和燃料(catalyst或者附魔木炭),建议每个刷个compactor 除非hypixel突然上线测试服的改动那就去挖pure ore skill avg 8 --- 开黑曜石箱子 这个记得多攒点钱,因为黑曜石箱子一般可能很贵,和另外一个f1任务一起做 ...
Skyblock等级Today, we are tying up the multiple forms of denoting progression into a centralized system: SkyBlock Levels. Now, everyone will have a level that shows the progression they have in the game.今天我们尝试将各种形式的进程转化为一个具体的集中计算系统:Skyblock等级,现在每个人都有一个等级...
In Hypixel Skyblock, leveling pets enhances their stats and passive effects. Benefits include boosted base stats and magic find, with extra magic find every 10 levels. The Taming Skill, earned by leveling pets, offers additional pet XP and pet luck. Only the active pet's bonuses apply, while...
Optimize mining route Commands Commands /dhelp - Returns this message in-game. /dsm - Opens the GUI for Danker's Skyblock Mod. /loot <zombie/spider/wolf/enderman/blaze/vampire/fishing/catacombs/mythological/> [winter/festival/spooky/ch/lava/trophy/f(1-7)/mm/session] - Returns loot received...
EPICPhoenix Pet Starting Stats (Level 1) ⓘMax Stats (Level 100) ⓘVED Stats: ❁ Strength: +10.5 ✎ Intelligence: +51 Abilities: Rekindle- Before death, become immune and gain10.1❁ Strengthfor0seconds (1 minute cooldown)
前往深层矿洞 先收集金子解锁cleaver。然后前往barn杀鸡做两个鸡小人(为pet收集做准备,记得使用medium箱)。使用青金石+红石+钻石前往矮人矿洞(钻石用于5k收集的diamond spreading和reinforced需要的rare diamond(深层矿洞挖钻石掉落))同时挖64个绿宝石(romero任务)挖矿等级前往沙漠挖沙子(沙子造小人) ...
The Jerry Pet is a craftable Combat Pet. This pet is intended as a joke, as it does not actually give any useful perks. Crafting requires 8x Move Jerry and an Enchanted Egg or Super Enchanted Egg. It gives -1 ✎ Intelligence for every level. Despit
ExpandXP Needed to Upgrade This Pet from its Previous Level LevelRAREEPICLEGENDARYMYTHIC Kat Caretaking Costs Katcan upgrade all rarities of thispet. For each level the pet has, there is a0.3%discount. The time listed is in real life days,notin-game time. ...
去蘑菇岛刷沙子 直到mining 12 造把金镐然后挖煤 进入gold mine 和lazy miner对话拿他的镐子,用他的镐子自动熔炼刷铁和金直到进入deep caven, 用金斧头砍树然后用木头换煤炭,然后合成10个附魔煤炭,和建筑npc楼下的npc对话然后买4个附魔红石,然后手挖6个附魔红石和10个附魔青金石就能进dm了 ...
去蘑菇岛刷沙子 直到mining 12 造把金镐然后挖煤 进入gold mine 和lazy miner对话拿他的镐子,用他的镐子自动熔炼刷铁和金直到进入deep caven, 用金斧头砍树然后用木头换煤炭,然后合成10个附魔煤炭,和建筑npc楼下的npc对话然后买4个附魔红石,然后手挖6个附魔红石和10个附魔青金石就能进dm了 ...