Gain +5/10% more coins and Skill EXP from Gifts Costs 100/1000 Carnival Tokens Mining Fiesta Refined Mind I - V Grants +2/4/6/8/10% extra chance to find Refined Minerals and Glossy Gemstones during Mining Fiesta Costs 50/100/150/200/250 Carnival Tokens Fortunate Festivity I - V G...
模板:Outdated 模板:NoteTA 小幫手是Hypixel Skyblock要素之一。它們可以使玩家在下線時收集資源。+一個小幫手在自己周圍5x5的區域產生資源,產生的資源取決於它的種類。它們不能在拍賣行中被拍賣,但是它們可以被交易。小幫手也可以升級到十一或十二( 農耕或 挖礦的小幫手
宠物的经验获取与你的技能经验获取同步,对应的技能会获得100%的经验,不对应的只会获得25%,比如:我带着jerry去挖了5个黑曜石,我获得了100 Mining经验,但jerry只获得了25,因为他是“combat pet”,所以说,如果我去钻石层砍了五只怪,我获得了100 Combat经验,而jerry也获得了100经验。
Hypixel Th..Hello everyone!大家好!Today we are releasing the next major patch of SkyBlock which includes a new form
Uncommon Party Hat Brown Bandana All Skills Exp Boost All Skills Exp Super-Boost Farming Exp Boost Combat Exp Boost Foraging Exp Boost Fishing Exp Boost Mining Exp Boost Exp Share Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted....
If it's set to true, the bot will send a message to the Guild chat when a new Hypixel news article is posted, when Hypixel's status changes, and when the Skyblock version changes.The hypixelNews property determines whether the bot should send a message when a new Hypixel news article ...
If it's set to true, the bot will send a message to the Guild chat when a new Hypixel news article is posted, when Hypixel's status changes, and when the Skyblock version changes.The hypixelNews property determines whether the bot should send a message when a new Hypixel news article ...
#2. Play Skyblock to Earn Bits All you have to do to earn Bits is play the SkyBlock game mode, although earnings are minimal. Every 30 minutes, you receive 250 Bits, which keeps going until you reach your Bit cap. The number of Bits you can acquire depends on your Fame level. The ...
修复了Catacombs 50级不给任何Skyblock等级EXP。 修复了Catacombs 50 Skyblock等级总数不正确的问题。 修复了蜘蛛巢(Spider'den)在记分板中缺少撇号的问题。 修复了绿宝石刀钱数增益被封顶为2M而不是2B的问题。 修复了许多在黑暗拍卖会中被着色的“a”和“an”、仆从皮肤、家具和训练假人。 大家好呀!今天的更新包含了很多东西,包括(但不限于) 等待已久的花园生长速度更新 花园预设改动 集市扩展 奖杯鱼保底机制 ...