镐子现在比原版镐子更加强大,但是效率附魔和急迫效果会给予更少的Mining Speed 挖掘速度。在大多数情况下,这不会改变玩家什么,但这会让平衡显得更加直观。 Mineral Armor 矿化护甲保持不变,但是它的连锁挖矿效果不会再在需要高挖掘力量的矿物上生效,比如秘银和钛。 采矿技能上限调整至60级。 添加了三个官方化描述技...
Cole the Miner资深矿工 Mining XP Buff 采矿经验加成:在公共岛屿上,获得的采矿经验翻1.5倍。 Prospection 仆从勘探:采矿类小人工作速度加快25%。 Mining Fiesta 采矿嘉年华:Cole将会在当选年的早秋开启一个特殊节日——采矿嘉年华。节日期间,玩家获得如下加成:获得的采矿经验翻1.5倍(与第一个加成叠加)、挖矿双倍掉落以...
lapis armor青金石套(推荐)获得方式:击杀deep caverns 的lapis querry中的怪物小概率掉落,不想肝的就直接从拍卖行买吧farmers suit农民套获得方式:小麦合成fairy’s suit仙女套获得方式:仙女旁边的湖里钓鱼小概率获得mushroom armor蘑菇套(推荐)获得方式:24个蘑菇合成晚上3倍生命值,效果强劲南瓜套,仙人掌套,树叶套,...
Hypixel Th..Hello everyone!大家好!Today we are releasing the next major patch of SkyBlock which includes a new form
Primal Dragon Armor is a LEGENDARY Armor set. Combat XXVI (26) is required to be able to use this set and, if the item is dungeonised, Catacombs XVI (16) is required to be able to use this set while in Dungeons. Primal Dragon Armor pieces can be droppe
SkyBlock Prototype June 20, 20230.19AddedVampire Minion. June 21, 2023RemovedVampire SlayerVrequirement. June 26, 2023FixedVampire Minionsbeing in the wrong category in theRecipe Book. Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted....
在进入boss前,穿上mastiff armor(狗套,狼slayer 5的装备,特点是高血量0防御),并让队伍奶妈开大招。之后【换回正常的衣服】,并【在不切换任何手持物品、装备、护符、宠物】的前提下进入boss,你会保留狗套+wish的超高血量。实战上,这些血量会让你很容易度过P1、避免暴毙。这个操作的原理是hypixel的血量更新是滞后...
到周围的武器铺购买一把Undead Sword不死剑,在防具铺购买全套拥有Growth I的钻石套(skyblock有自定义附魔!比如growth附魔就是每一级提升基础生命值15点)再挖掘一些矿物,当对话框弹出"Mining 0-Mining I"挖掘等级0-挖掘等级1时即可进入下一阶段 5楼2021-05-29 16:48 收起回复 ...
Skyblock 附..For Sword: Suitable:(the more the better)18. Critical2. Cubism56. Dragon Hunter33. Ender Slayer17. E
Quicknav: (Fully customizeable) Fast navigation between pets, armor, enderchest, skill, collection, crafting, enchant, anvil, warp dungeon, and warp hub. Recipe Book: Lists all Skyblock items in the vanilla recipe book, allowing you to see the recipe of the item. Backpack Preview: After cli...