Skyblock-R..一、概述●什么是Rift Dimension(裂隙维度)Skyblock 0.19 裂隙更新(峡谷更新/巫师塔更新)的主要内容。Rift是另一个维度,整个地图大致是hub的镜像(见下图)。Rift更新
击杀Thunder及Lord Jawbus有概率掉落 Blazing Fortune 地狱时运 效果:每级增加1点对地狱海怪的魔力搜寻。 碎片获取: Kuudra 击杀Thunder及Lord Jawbus有概率掉落 钓鱼护甲/鱼竿 Infection 致命感染 效果:每级增加0.2%腐化海怪的概率。 碎片获取: Kuudra 击杀Thunder及Lord Jawbus有概率掉落 鱼竿专属 Double Hook 一...
增加哥布林掉的钱 跑水晶哥布林国王效果时长增加 增加找到稀有哥布林蛋的概率 反向yeti,把防御换力量 加强ll和ls 每5次攻击会造成你最近的最高伤害50% 企鹅 抓到海怪减少code 减少不露天钓鱼的钓鱼速度削弱 在矿洞里增加钓鱼速度 (区域内暂无新海怪) 在洞内被攻击的时候不会再加寒冷值了 每100mining fortune 给...
Enchanting is a vanilla mechanic that is expanded and implemented in SkyBlock. Enchanting improves gear (Armor, Pickaxes, Drills, Hoes, Shears, Swords, Axes, Fishing Rods, Shovels and Bows) to make them stronger than they already are and improve them wi
Additionally, max level pets will give +1 Pet Score. Reaching thresholds of Pet Score awards additional ✯ Magic Find. (Different rarities of the same pet don't add up in the score; only the highest rarity will be counted.) Pet Score also rewards 3 SkyBlock XP each. ...